Updated March 28 - A big thank you to Mo from Unmainstream Mom Reads for awarding me the Premio Dardos Award. This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his or her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day.
Bookin' With Bingo - The Sisterhood Award - this is very special because it acknowledges the kindness and spirit of blogging.
Many thanks to new blogger Emily over at Bookgirl's Bookshelf for awarding me the I Love Your Blog Award. Thanks Emily - I appreciate
And thanks to Karen from Bookin' With Bingo - who
herself is one of the friendliest bloggers around for the Freinds award! And updating on March 24, the same award from new blogger Marie at Daisy's Book Journal and from Sheri at Bookopolis! Again, I appreciate everyone for thinking of me! I am truly honoured.
Stop by and visit these bloggers if you haven't had a chance to meet them yet.
Stop by and visit these bloggers if you haven't had a chance to meet them yet.
See! I am not the only one who thinks you have a great blog....and I was happy to give it to you as you deserve it! So congrats!
and, err, without sounding like a bribe as I wouldn't do it, not would you, but any idea when you might post the winners of yesterday's contest??? I am trying to win that everywhere I can :D (be pretty weird if I won now...eek!)
Congratulations! I think your blog is fabulous, too!
Karen - I am sick yet again this winter and just now tackling it!
Kathy - thanks, coming from you that means a lot!
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