Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Whiteout - R. S. Burnett

Whiteout is new from author R. S. Burnett and Spotify.

I'm often disappointed when a book is labeled as a thriller or suspense title and it misses the mark. But...I'm happy to say that Burnett's book is not one of those! Instead he had me staying up late listening for 'just one more' chapter.

Glaciologist Rachael is one of the last researchers left in the station in  Antarctica. A radio message delivers unbelievable news... and... I'm going to let you discover what's next.

Rachel is a great lead character - she's clever, dogged and strong, mentally and physically. But the odds are against her - alone with dwindling resources.

Burnett does a great job with the setting. Nothing but snow, the unbelievable cold and the wrath of mother nature. 

There's a number of 'Oh I didn't see that coming' that changes the storyline many times.

I chose to listen to Whiteout. I've said it before but I'll say it again. I find that I much myself more immersed in a tale. Thea was definitely the course with Whiteout. The narrator was award winning  Billie Fulford Brown. She is a amazing reader! She speaks clearly and is easy to understand. She captures the fear, the anger and determination of Rachel. And what else follows. An excellent presentation and a great book.

And as the publisher says "perfect for fans of The Martian. I agree.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Haters - Robyn Harding

Robyn Harding has come up with a great premise in The Haters!

What you ask? Well, the main character is Camryn. She works  as a high school guidance counsellor in the daytime. But on nights and weekends, she works on her novel until…she’s finally published. And the reviews look promising! Until they don't. Someone is working very hard to make sure she fails. The harassment starts with a bad rating and grows until…

I’m not going spoil it for you. I couldn’t believe how insidious it was. Anyone in Camryn’s circle could be the one. Ex-husband daughter, friends, coworkers, boyfriend, her work, her publishing house and more. Initially, I was behind Camryn. But some of her actions and words are self-serving. But on the flipside, Camryn’s dream is to become a noted author and how can you fault that.

 I was really impressed with Harding’s writing and her plotting. I thought I had the culprit, but was proven wrong more than once. And as the book near the final chapters, the culprit was revealed, and I’m happy to say I couldn’t figure it out before the end!

Kudos to Robin Harding for another great suspense read. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Haters.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Inheritance - Trisha Sakhlecha

I saw that Sophie Hannah had given Trisha Sakhlecha’s latest book - The Inheritance - a thumbs up. I enjoy Hannah’s work and if she liked this one, I was sure I would also. Well, the truth is I loved this book!

The book is set on a private island owned by the Agarwal family. They've gathered to celebrate Raj and Shalini's 40th anniversary. Their three adult children also have another item on the agenda...

Sakhlecha does a wonderful job of creating her characters  - I could easily imagine them. Did I like them? My opinion changed with every revelation.

Sakhlecha carefully drops hooks as the book progresses. Events are alluded to, but not fully detailed. Under that veneer of civility are old hurts, secrets, anger, loss and more. 

More than one character is given a voice and the reader is privy to their thoughts - and actions. I applaud the plotting and the end. I totally did not see that coming!

 A great read. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Inheritance.   

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Weekend Guests - Liza North

The Weekend Guests is new from author Liza North.

The subtitle reads "Five old friends. A reunion to die for". The cover image also promises a dark read.

We meet the five friends in the past when they shared an apartment at university. Their relationships are explored. And a rather odd neighbor is also examined. North tells her tale in a now and then style. More than one character has a voice.

I appreciated the detail, but things started to drag for me after a while. The same character kept repeating her behavior over and over. She's definitely the one driving for the bus, both now and then. Sadly I didn't like any of the five. I did like the kids and one of the partners.

Things picked up in the last chapters. There was some action in the last few chapters that was good. A few plot devices didn't work for me. But, the creepy bit at the end was good. 

The Weekend Guests was marketed as a thriller, but I don't think it quite met that description for me. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Head Cases - John McMahon

I do like crime fiction - a lot! So, I'm always on the lookout for a new series. I found that in Head Cases - the first in John McMahon's new series. 

Did you see the tape on the cover? "Attention Sealed FBI". I was intrigued....

FBI Agent Gardner Camden is our lead character. He's described as a an "analytical genius with an affinity for puzzles."  He's not so good with people though. The supporting cast each have a talent. They make up the Patterns and Recognition (PAR), brought in for cases that no one else can solve. But what drives them all, is catching their quarry - a serial killer who is back after many year

The plotting is wonderful! The case is very different and I appreciated the fresh take on solving such a case. McMahon gives Camden a great back story, building the character(s) for the next time the unit is needed. I will be waiting for the next entry in this new series.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sometimes I often feel more immersed in a story when I listen to it. That was absolutely the case with Head Games. The narrator was Will Damron and he did a fantastic job. His voice has a perfect gravelly tone that matched the images and characters I had created in my head. He speaks clearly and is easy to understand. He easily captures the tone, emotions and danger of McMahon's tale with his voice. He created different voices for all of the players that were easily identified. 

An easy five star listen! 9 hours and 36 minutes 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Business Trip - Jessie Garcia

The Business Trip is Jessie Garcia's debut fiction novel.

Garcia introduces us to the lead character - Jasmine. She's in a really bad domestic situation and has been planning for a year to get away. When her moment appears, she doesn't look back. And then she meets Stephanie. And an opportunity presents itself...

Garcia has penned a great suspense tale. There's no lack of twists and turns to be had. Those twists will take you right down to the last pages. Garcia has crafted a 'can't put it down" tale. You might have to suspend belief with some bits, especially the ending, but just go with it. The book is very entertaining.
I liked how the book was presented from many viewpoints and supporting characters. And - a full cast of narrators! I always feel more immersed in a book when I listen it. That was definitely the case with The Business Trip. Each reader was easy to understand and their 'voices' matched the characters they were presenting. A great listen!

The Business Trip - Jessie Garcia

The Business Trip is Jessie Garcia's fiction debut.

Garcia introduces us to the lead character - Jasmine. She's in a really bad domestic situation and has been planning for a year to get away. When her moment appears, she doesn't look back. And then she meets Stephanie. And an opportunity presents itself...

Garcia has penned a great suspense tale. There's no lack of twists and turns to be had. Those twists will take you right down to the last pages. Garcia has crafted a 'can't put it down" tale. You might have to suspend belief with some bits, especially the ending, but just go with it. The book is very entertaining.
I liked how the book was presented from many viewpoints and supporting characters. Who to tell? Who to believe?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Death in Diamonds - S. J. Bennett

I was thrilled to see that S. J. Bennett had added a new mystery to her series, Her Majesty the Queen Investigates. The fourth entry is A Death in Diamonds.

Now, the first three books in this series were set in current time. This latest takes us back to 1957 and the Queen, as she settles into her new role. Therefore, if you’re new to this series, you can count this book as number one. I hope that makes sense!

The young queen is sure that someone within her offices is trying to sabotage her decisions, her appearances and her political interactions. And when a double murder has tendrils that may include the Queen, she knows she needs someone she can count on....

Bennett has done a fabulous job of drawing the Queen in the early years of her reign. She is kind, gracious, wise, highly intelligent, well-spoken and observant. Her inner dialogue is a treat to read and her sense of humor is dry, as are her observations about her Royal family.  The relationship between the Queen And  Prince Phillip is lovely and loving. Bennett is respectful in her depictions.

I really enjoy the settings, both the castles and out on events etc. And yes, there are corgis!

The case is wonderfully drawn and is much more convoluted that new readers might have expected.  Parts of actual events and cases have been woven into Bennett's book. I think she's done an excellent job. I appreciate not being able to figure out things easily. Makes reading much more fun.

I chose to listen to A Death in Diamonds. The reader was Samantha Bond and she did a great job  presenting Bennett's work. She has a lovely gravely tone to her voice that suited the Queen character. Others were just as perfect for the supporting players. The English accents rang true. Bond's voice is clear and is easy on the ears. She captures the emotions and action in the plot with reading. An excellent performance.

12 hours and 19 minutes

A Death in Diamonds - S. J. Bennett

A Death in Diamonds is the fourth entry in S. J. Bennett's wonderful "Her Majesty The Queen Investigates".

I was thrilled to see that S. J. Bennett had added a new mystery to her series, Her Majesty the Queen Investigates. The fourth entry is A Death in Diamonds.

Now, the first three books in this series were set in current time. This latest takes us back to 1957 and the Queen, as she settles into her new role. Therefore, if you’re new to this series, you can count this book as number one. I hope that makes sense!

The young queen is sure that someone within her offices is trying to sabotage her decisions, her appearances and her political interactions. And when a double murder has tendrils that may include the Queen, she knows she needs someone she can count on....

Bennett has done a fabulous job of drawing the Queen in the early years of her reign. She is kind, gracious, wise, highly intelligent, well-spoken and observant. Her inner dialogue is a treat to read and her sense of humor is dry, as are her observations about her Royal family.  The relationship between the Queen And  Prince Phillip is lovely and loving. Bennett is respectful in her depictions.

I really enjoy the settings, both the castles and out on events etc. And yes, there are corgis!

The case is wonderfully drawn and is much more convoluted that new readers might have expected.  Parts of actual events and cases have been woven into Bennett's book. I think she's done an excellent job. I appreciate not being able to figure out things easily. Makes reading much more fun.