Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Antique Store Detective - Clare Chase

The Antique Store Detective is a new series from Clare Chase. I always prefer to start with the first entry of a new series and happily settled in to meet Bella!

The lead character is Bella Winter. She's opened up a new antique store in the village of Hope Eaton. She's settling in nicely - until she's the one who comes across the body of a known resident. The local constabulary is very busy - and from Bella's viewpoint, could use a little help. Who better but herself! With a few helpers that is.

We meet many of the villagers as Chase builds her setting, population and plot. Which provides for a long list of suspects, including some of those working with Bella! You do have to be on your toes with who is at the top of the list as some residents are on it more than once.

All the elements are here for a 'cozy'. Small village, Cuthbert the cat, an amateur detective, clues and red herrings, a light tone, and maybe a romance? We'll have to see about that possible romance - and what the next 'case' will bring.

Clare Chase writes classic mysteries. Her aim is to take readers away from it all via some armchair sleuthing in atmospheric locations.

Her debut novel was shortlisted for Novelicious’s Undiscovered Award, as well as an EPIC award post-publication, and was chosen as a Debut of the Month by LoveReading. Murder on the Marshes (Tara Thorpe 1) was shortlisted for an International Thriller Writers award. 

Like her heroines, Clare is fascinated by people and what makes them tick. Before becoming a full-time writer, she worked in settings as diverse as Littlehey Prison and the University of Cambridge, in her home city. She’s lived everywhere from the house of a lord to a slug-infested flat and finds the mid-terrace she currently occupies a good happy medium.

As well as writing, Clare loves family time, art and architecture, cooking, and of course, reading other people’s books. You can find Clare's website and blog at


Clare Chase said...

Thanks so much for taking part in the tour! :-)

Luanne said...

You're very welcome!