Wednesday, August 14, 2024

I Need You to Read This - Jessa Maxwell

Jessa Maxwell's debut novel - The Golden Spoon - was wonderful. But, her newest - I Need You to Read This - is stellar!

Alex Marks is bored with her copyright job. She lives a small life. Reading the Dear Constance advice column is something she does faithfully - until the writer is murdered. On a whim, Alex applies for the job and then...

Wow, I don't want to give any more! The plotting is fresh and fantastic.

 I enjoyed listening to the letters and the questions - and what solutions are offered. The other staff in the office are a bit off, but she can deal with that. However, someone is now sent her a warning - in a letter of course. And about 3/4 of the way done, I stopped and rewound to make sure I was hearing right. I was, but I was completely caught off guard. I love being unable to predict what is coming.

I chose to listen to I Need You to Read This. I've said it many times before, but I sometimes find myself more immersed in a tale that's in audio format. This was the case with this book. The reader was Carlotta Brentan and she did a wonderful job of presenting Jessa Maxwell's work. Brentan has created a different voice for each character, female, male and all ages. She speaks clearly and enunciates well. She captures the plot, the action and the dialogue very well with her voice. 

An excellent book and a great performance. I'll be watching for Maxwell's next book!

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