Monday, August 19, 2024

Close Knit - Jenny Colgan

Oh, I absolutely adore Jenny Colgan's books! Her latest release is Close Knit.

What a wonderful cover - the colours drew me in.

One of the things I really like about Jenny Colgan's novels, is that a good many of them are interconnected. Characters from the previous book will appear and welcome new players. Or there will be a mention of others further back. It feel like catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.

Knitting plays a big part of Close Knit. (But you knew that from the book title right?) I need to find my needles and start to knit!

Our lead character is Gertie. She is shy, quiet, and looking for more from life. I'll let you discover what she finds. You're going to love what happens! Other characters have their own moments and chapters. The reader is privy to their inner thoughts. I loved Jean - she is Gertie's mom. And the antics of her and her merry band of knitters had me laughing out loud.

The book is set on a small island in the very north of Scotland. The description took my breath away.

Close Knit is just as I thought it would be. A tale that had me laughing, hoping, wondering, imagining and more. I love getting lost in one of Jenny Colgan's books. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Close Knit.


Kay said...

You make this book sound delightful! I keep meaning to try one of this author's books. Soon....soon...LOL.

Luanne said...

Too many books and..... LOL