Georgia Walker is a single mother to a biracial child - Dakota. She has a successful little knitting store. The Friday Night Knitting Club is the stories of many of the women who come theoretically to knit, but more for the companionship and support. At first I thought this would be too saccharine for me, but was soon caught up in everyone's story. There is a sequel out as well - Knit Two - that I think I'll listen to in audio as well. I did enjoy the reader's voice, but found her child's voice a bit annoying and the Scottish granny was at times East Indian or Irish it seemed. All in all one of those feel good hen lit novels. Oh, and I now have a mad desire to knit something.....
I'm just getting into audio books - my problem is that we live in a compact little suburb and I spend very little time in the car. I tried listening when I walked the other day and all of my neighbors wanted to talk, so that didn't work either. Glad you enjoyed this one.
Oh this sounds like a nice book. I just started listening to audiobooks myself since I have about a 20 minute ride to work--it is a nice way to pass the time in the car.
The yarn on the cover is gorgeous! Looks like mohair. I can well understand your mad desire to knit something...
I have this one in my TBR pile...it looked good, so I am glad you liked it!! I will need to put in higher on my pile!!
I've been wanting to read this one. It sounds really good. I've listened to audio books a few times when I've had to drive long distances but I tend to drift off and have to rewind. They are still a nice option to have. I've left you an award here:
I really enjoyed both of Jacob's books and yes they also leave me with a mad desire to pick up my knitting too. lol.
give in to that desire - after all, you can never have too many hats or scarves!
I really enjoyed the book. Not sure if I would have liked the child's voice or Granny's. In the book the trip to Granny's was really special. But I sure loved the book. Yep.. made me want to knit something to! For me it has taken some serious training to focus on audio.. I have a very wandering mind.
I have this and the sequel on my TBR pile. Your review makes me think I would enjoy it (aside from the fact that I love to knit) but with the size of my TBR pile it may be summer before I have a chance to get to it!
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