"In Little Pink House, award-winning investigative journalist Jeff Benedict takes us behind the scenes of this case -- indeed, Suzette Kelo speaks for the first time about all the details of this inspirational true story as one woman led the charge to take on corporate America to save her home."
This is an such an amazing story! You can read my review here.
To be entered, simply comment to be entered, extra entry for linking/tweeting. Open to both Canada and the US, no po boxes please. Please make sure you leave a way for me to contact you. Open until Saturday March 7th at 6 pm EST.
I would like to be entered in the contest. Thanks:)
Just recently I realized the joy of audio books while traveling. I would love to win Little Pink House. Thanks
I would love to win this audiobook...thanks for hosting this contest!
I'd love to be entered.
Please enter me; I'd love to win this for my mom!
I've posted this on Win A Book. No need to enter though.
I'd like an entry too!
thanks for the wonderful giveaway
I've been hearing a lot of good things about this book so count me in! I want to know what all the fuss is about. :0)
I'm back to let you know that I blogged about your contest here.
Please enter me! I have never tried an audio book before and I have heard great things about this book. Thank you :)
Just recently heard of this and it sounds interesting. Please enter me for a chance to win. Thanks!
Sounds great! I'd love to win this :)
This is on my wishlist!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/sumrthyme/status/1208214399
I would love it if you enter me please. Loved your review.
This is great I have seen this at the book store and thought maybe I would get it for V.Day.
I am following you on Twitter. Thanks
Hey, enter me please. Thanks!
this sounds great! :)
Sounds great! Please enter me :)
spunnsugarz (at) yahoo (dot)com
I would love an audio book and this is one I have heard lots about. I posted on my blog, BOOKIN'WITH BINGO with a link. Thanks!
Please enter me in the contest as well! :-)
Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh My!! I would love to be entered.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I love audio books almost as much as the print ones Please enter me Thanks Carolyn
interesting-I'd love this audiobook
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I would enjoy listening to this.
I have posted about it on my blog here - http://kat-bryanscorner.blogspot.com/
I would also love to win!
I blogged about your giveaway here:
teddyr66 at yahoo dot com
I would love to listen to this book.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Please enter me in the contest.
ko _ lists at gmail dot com
(Do those whose ID includes an email address need to leave it for you in comments as well? Just makes it easier for the spammers to harvest it.)
Karen in TN - I always phrase it "Please make sure I have a way to contact you" in the post. If your blog lists an email contact, I will go there to find it.
I would love to read this one!
daq_17 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway. :)
I'd love a chance to win
Thanks for the giveaway.
please enter me thanks
Linz said ...
Please enter me ... I am curious re. the story.
I love the opportunity to listen to good stories on my way to work-seems to make the drive go faster and allows to feel productive. This sounds like a good one!
apoalillo at hotmail dot com
i've always wanted a audibook
I sure would enjoy winning this contest. My eyes would love it too! :)
Looks like a great audiobook. thanks!
I would love to win con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Please enter me. Thank you! Sararush (at) hotmail (dot) com.
I'd love to be entered Luanne. Thanks.
bj19662001 (at) yahoo (dot) ca
I've never owned an audio book. This sounds like a good one! Count me in the running!
great prize!
thanks for entry :)
I have never "listened" to a book. This one sounds interesting. Thanks for the entry.
Looks like this would be a great audio read! Thank you!!
Sounds like a good story, I'd love to hear it.
ooh, sounds like a good book! I'd love to read it with my ears!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love to read. Love to have this book right up my alley
Love books with defiance as a main concept. Please enter me!
Count me in :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Please enter me in this contest.I am a subscriber.
I love audio books. Please enter me and thanks.
i have a long commute and that's why i love audio books. it's turns my car into a learning experience
teechbiz at gmail dot com
Please throw my name into the hat for this giveaway!!!
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I loved your review, and I would really like to win this! Thank you for the contest!
Kelly :)
I gave a little tweet!
Please enter me in your contest.
i love listening to audio books on trips
Sign me up please!
I'd love to listen to this.
I listen to audio books while I am entering contests ,so I definitely win this one. jelly15301@gmail.com
Please enter me in the drawing. I grew up in a pink house and when I was a teenager, I thought it was mortifying! I am putting this on my list of contest links Thanks
I'v e been interested in reading this book. Thank you for this giveaway!
This book sounds great!
Love to have this.
Count me in too please - would love to read this! ~ :) Thanks!
sounders68 [at] gmail.com
Wooo Hooo Make me a winner!
Great contest!
Nice giveaway. Count me in!
This would be fun for my boyfriend and I to listen to on a road trip we are taking this spring!
smchester at gmail dot com
Would love a chance to win this!
Sound really interesting. Thank you.
sounds awesome, thanks.
This looks like a good book for a Sunday afternoon
I would like to be entered. Thanks!
smilkovits AT gmail DOT com
I'd absolutely love to have this audio. jjbmjb at gmail
I would very much love to have this audio. Thanks. jjbmjb at gmail
I'd love a chance to win!
Please include me in your drawing. Thanks
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Please enter me.
This is the Supreme Court case I always cite when asked to name a decision I disagree with.
Please enter me! Thank you!
JodiMof3 at hotmail dot com
Sounds great!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Please enter me in your contest. I love books on tape.
This sounds like an inspiring story. I'd love to listen on my commute to and from work.
Please include me in your drawing.
I would love to have this audio book. I saw it in the book store a while ago and it sounded interesting. Thre have been a lot of stories in our state about houses being taken by imminent domain.
please enter me
never had an audio book so this would be great
jdmimi at gmail dot com
I love autobooks..... I miss having a half price books store near me Have listen to all of mine thank you for the contest
Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.
Hi Luanne, please take my name out of the running. I won a copy of this today. Yipeeee for me. Thanks.
What an inspiring story! Sign me up!
livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo
Please enter me!!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
My sister would love this. Please accept my entry. Thank you
thanks for the opportunity to win!!!
I love to listen to audio books when I'm cleaning, painting and traveling! Please enter me!
enter me too please
I had heard of this book and would love to have it as an audiobook. Thanks!
Please enter me. Thanks!
please count me in
Please include me!
Enter me, please~ thank you!
Sounds very interesting. Thanks!
Please enter me in the contest. Many thanks.
Audiobooks save my sanity during my LONG daily commute. This one looks great! Thanks.
i care for a blind lady that enjoys books on tape. This would be an extrsa special gift to her
I hear that this book is good!
I just won a sony reader so now I need some books.
Sounds like an interesting audiobook.
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
I like to listen to audio books when I am driving & this sounds like a good one. Thanks for the chance to win! wgbc1446@yahoo[dot]com
I wouuld love to have this for the long drives when we go on vacation to IN for the summer
Looks like a great audiobook
Thanks for this great giveaway, i would love to read this book.
Happy Weekend!
love to win this
We'd love to check out 'little pink house' on our next road trip.
sounds good
Please enter me. Thanks!
I would love to win this audiobook. Thank you so much for the great contest.
Sounds really good. Please enter me!
thanks for the chance. this would be an interesting audio book
I would love to win this for my sister. She and her family go on a lot of road trips. They have told me that they listen to a lot of books on tape. Would make a great addition to their collection.
Thank you.
I would love to win this! Audiobooks are great for trips, exercising....
I would love to win this
Please enter me. I love audio books.
Looke like a great story.
Please enter me - I'd love to read this book!
Looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted your giveaway! (My username is @ThriftyJinxy)
The audiobook sounds wonderful. I would love to win. garrettsambo@aol.com
This book sounds interesting and I can listen to it on my way to work. Please enter me.
please enter me
It relly looks interesting
I would love an entry. Thanks!
I use to live in a little pink house. The color I chose was supposed to be "cashew", but it was, in fact, PINK!
Audio Books are better than actual reading if you ask me. Please accept my entry and ty. bbrrterrace(at)hotmail.com
I would love to read this book (or hear it anywho)..
I would love to listen to this book.
Thanks for the giveaway.
please enter me, sounds great,
have recently started listening to audio books on my commute to work
I would like to be entered in the contest.
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks!
I love to read, and being read to on audiobook is totally cool too. Thank you for having this giveawy.
Intriguing--would love to listen. Thanks!
I would love to win a copy of this audio book. thank you
Wow, this sonds like an inspirational story. Please enter me in this giveaway. Thanks.
This sounds great. I love that it is an audiobook. I could listen to it while I workout.
I heard about this insprirational story on TV, but didn't know it had been made into a book. I would love to have a copy of the audiobook. Thanks for the giveaway!
Looks like a great audiobook, thanks for the chance to win it!
I owuld love to read this book!
Sounds like a great book.
I saw this story covered on the news a few weeks ago.
finegal50 [at] sbcglobal.net
Count me in, please!
babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com
I love to listen to audiobooks! Please enter me!
This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who entered! Winners will be announced in the near future - but it's Saturday night! Check the sidebar for ongoing giveaways.
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