Friday, January 19, 2024

Where You End - Abbott Kahler

The cover of Abbott Kahler's debut novel, Where You End, is what initially caught my eye. For some reason, those bunnies don't look cuddly at all to me. I read the publisher's description and that sealed the deal. 

"When Kat Bird wakes up from a coma, she sees her mirror image: Jude, her twin sister. Jude’s face and name are the only memories Kat has from before her accident. As Kat tries to make sense of things, she believes Jude will provide all the answers to her most pressing questions: Who am I? Where am I? What actually happened?"
Amnesia is always a great way to give a book an unreliable character. And adding a twin to the mix ensures it will take time to find answers. I wanted to know the answers too.

Kahler tells her tale in a now and then timeline, from the time the girls were young, and up to the date of Kat's awakening.

Their relationship is peculiar. They even have their own language. But, there's much more to these sisters. As their younger years are exposed I initially was intrigued. But as it continued, I became uncomfortable. Without providing spoilers, I could see what direction the past might be headed and what that might entail. It came close to actual events that took place in our near past.

The story started to become a bit repetitive and a bit muddy. I started to lose the desire to pick up the book. I did finish it, but it was just an okay read for me. This could be a case of the wrong reader for the right book. I encourage to check out the other reviews on Goodreads.   See for yourself - read an excerpt of Where You End.


Kay said...

Luanne, I'm sorry this one wasn't a good match for you, but honestly, that cover creeped me out. Which is OK, but....then I read the synopsis and I was kind of 'no, no, no.....'. I decided to wait until someone else tried it and talked about it. I think my book self was saying 'maybe not for you'. I have so many books to try, I think it's OK to skip some, right? LOL

Luanne said...

Ha! It is absolutely OK to skip! I've done it myself. It's still hard to let the guilt to go!