Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Anna O - Matthew Blake

There are a slew of new books being released in the first few weeks of January 2024. The one I've hearing the most about, is Matthew Blake's debut novel, Anna O. The novel is already set for publication in thirty territories!

Ok, what is it about Anna O that has triggered such a response? Have you heard about crimes being committed by those who sleepwalk? This alone had me going down a (fascinating) rabbit hole. Is it truly possible that someone would have no inkling of what they've done whilst asleep? Even murder?

Lead character Anna can't tell us or her doctors as she never woke up from the night in question. The night two people died was four years ago. Years! Dr. Benedict Prince thinks he can awaken Anna O with his new protocol. 

But Benedict is not the only one interested in the case of Anna O. Armchair detectives will not let the case fade way. Anna O's family, friends, enemies and the law, all want her to wake up and provide answers. The other person the reader hears from? Yup, we are privy to Anna O's thoughts, memories, past and what led up to the 'right now'. There are also many supporting players, each with their own secrets tightly tucked away.

Blake does an incredible job of toying with the readers. What's true? What and who should we believe? I like to think that I'm pretty good at sussing out the perpetrator in a plot. This time I (happily) I didn't. There are a number of twists that were really well done. But, I truly did not see that last twist coming at all!! Kudos Mr. Blake! 

It's hard to believe this is a debut novel. I can't imagine what Blake will write next - but I'll be waiting for his book. 

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