Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge - Lizzie Pook

Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge by Lizzie Pook is most definitely going on my 'favourite reads' list for 2024.

The cover and title captured my interest right away, especially the 'Glorious Revenge" part. Who? Why? What happened? Maude's sister Constance is reported as dead by the British Admiralty, who claims her death was an accident.  I was hooked after reading the full synopsis. There's such an imaginative plot just waiting to be discovered by the reader. I truly wasn't able to put it down!   

What else? Well, the setting for sure. The book is set in Victorian London in the early1850's. Pook did a wonderful job building her setting, capturing society, architecture, mores, language, current events and more. The details woven throughout create strong mental images.

What about the characters? I loved Maude - her tenacity, her wily determination and her love for her family. We come to know Constance from her diary. And when you're looking for the antagonist? They won't be hard to find.

Does Maude get her revenge? Well, I'm not going to spoil things for you. Let's just say that there's lots of action. And a wonderful, unexpected twist. What a great read! An easy five stars.

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