Albert is a small town postman in England. He does his best to stay out of the spotlight and do his job, keeping himself to himself. His only company is his cat Gracie. But then he receives notice that as he is turning 65, he must retire.
My curiosity was piqued. Why does he live such a small life? What has happened in his life? What will he do now, without his job to anchor him? I knew what I wanted to have happen....
Slowly, but surely Albert ventures out into the world, speaking to people, beginning to interact and more. And finally, he decides to rectify his biggest regret, the one that shaped his small world.
Ahh, what a great lead character. You can't help but behind Albert cheering him on as he takes hesitant steps forward. And your heart will break when you learn of the 'why', the 'who' and the how. Just as engaging as Albert are the friends he makes, the community he becomes part of, and the life he finds at sixty five.
Matt Cain has penned a wonderful feel good listen. It's easy to predict what the end of Albert's odyssey will bring, but the journey there is enjoyable, uplifting and heart warming.
I chose to listen to The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle. The reader was Simon Vance - one of my favorites. He has a rich tone to his voice and a lovely British accent, that's very easy on the ears. The voice he initially uses for Albert is hesitant and unsure. But as the book progresses, Albert's voice grows stronger. Vance provides different and identifiable voices for the other characters, including female players. I thought the voice for Nicole was spot on. Vance has captured Cain's work and does a great job of presenting it. The emotions and situations are well portrayed. I've often said that I become more immersed in a book when I listen and this was the case for The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt.
@MattCainWriter • @recordedbooks • #TheSecretLifeofAlbertEntwistle
Thank you for this review.
Thanks for stopping by Mystica1
This sounds like such a sweet little read. I love when you can latch onto a character like that!
That's a perfect descriptor Ethan!
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