Wednesday, June 22, 2022

An Island Wedding - Jenny Colgan

Oh, Jenny Colgan can't write fast enough for me! She is hands down one of my favorite authors. Her latest is An Island Wedding.

When I start the newest book, I feel like I'm settling in to catch up with old friends. As well as making some new ones as new characters are introduced with each new entry. Some who may have been in a supporting role in previous tales now take a larger role. But, each and every one of them has a part to play in the tapestry that is the life of Mure. I have my favorite characters - and those who are not. (I'm looking at you Jan)

Colgan keeps her various series moving forward. This time, we return to the wee Scottish island of Mure and the main character Flora. Flora and her fiancé Joel are going to tie the knot at last - on summer solstice. But when a past resident of the island wants to book the hotel on the same weekend, plans change. But are they for the better?

Colgan does a bang up job with the interactions, complications, emotions and feelings of her characters. They ring true. Everyday life, love lost, love found, friendship, family rifts, family uniting and community are the driving forces behind Colgan's plotting.

There's a satisfying ending for this book, but the door has been left open for the next tale. And this listener can't wait!

I chose to listen to this latest. The reader was Eilidh Beaton and she did a fantastic job interpreting and bringing Colgan's characters and setting to life. She has the loveliest Scottish brogue that is easily understood and pleasant to listen to. But honestly, you'd think there was more than one reader presenting the book. Beaton provides so many different voices for the population of Mure. Old, young, male, female and easily identifying the characters. She easily presents the emotions and situations of the Colgan's work. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt of An Island Wedding. 

An easy five stars for the book and for the audio performance. I can't wait for the next Jenny Colgan book!


Amy said...

I learned about Colgan from you last year and binge-read her entire backlist. Can't wait for this one!

Luanne said...

Oh, that's great Amy! I'm so glad you enjoy her as well. You're going to love this one too! Enjoy!

Mystica said...

I've noted the author down because since I am in Melbourne her books are available at the local library. Thanks for the review.

Luanne said...

Mystica, I am very sure you'll like her books! Even better when the library has them.