- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true.
But you can like one cover version better than another...
UK cover |
US cover |
Jussi Adler Olsen pens one of my favourite series - the Department Q books. The mysteries are always intricate, but it is the two lead characters and their dialogue that have me eagerly awaiting this eighth book in in this series - Victim 2117. ( March 2020 on both sides of the pond)The
US cover is on the left and the
UK cover is on the right. For those who read this series, it looks like we might get some answers about Assad's background at last! Having read the synopsis, water plays a part in this plot - the sea specifically. The subdued tone of the UK cover suits the darkness of the plot. The rocks also speak to danger. Water is part of the US cover image as well, but with a red tone that just says death. I like that there's no face on the body, although my initial impression is that it is a female. I find the red and the image on the US cover drew me in more, so that's my vote this week. What about you? Which cover do you prefer? Any plans to read Victim 2117?
You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World.
I find the arm dangling there on the US cover disturbing so I'm going with the UK cover this week.
UK has a beautiful moody cover. Love the clouds, rock piles leading out to ocean (sea?) + the hint of sun through the clouds. Not a fan of US cover, dislike floating woman & find colours garish so for me the winner is UK.
Thrilled that we finally find out more about Carl Mørck‘s sidekick!
Happy reading;-)
I'm in the minority this week - UK for the win!
Looking forward to reading this! Hard to decide, the above is right about the colors being a bit too much on the US one. Slight UK edge!
It's going to be a really great read!
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