Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Writing Retreat - Julia Bartz

The Writing Retreat is Julia Bartz's debut novel. 

Alex works in the publishing industry, but what she really wants is to be an author. She jumps at the chance to attend a month long retreat at the secluded estate of writer Roza Vallo. There will be five attendees, including Alex's former best friend, but she'll deal with that.

From the first night, things feel a little off. Roza's behaviour is mercurial, challenging the five with somewhat uncomfortable discussions - and as things progress - actions. The five acolytes continue to rationalize what's going, until it can no longer can be ignored. There's something very wrong at this retreat...

The book is told through Alex's eyes. And if it was me, I'd be on the next bus home. But there's a snow storm that cuts off their communication, so we're now in a locked room situation. Add in some odd staff and a mansion with a history in addition to the peculiar host. The other attendees are a mixed bunch - almost like you would expect to find in a horror film. There's always one who chooses to go in the basement. 

What's happening in reality is somewhat mirrored in the novel Alex is writing. I do enjoy the plot device of having a book within a book. 

Bartz is a practicing therapist and I can see how her  background has added to the plot. Roza plays a lot of mind games with the five. She's cruel and then kind, keeping the would be authors on edge. Bartz has added a sexual component to her plot line as well as horror elements. (Gentle readers, there are many triggers in this book) 

I'm on the fence with this one. I liked the idea, but I didn't overly enjoy the delivery. Things got into the over the top territory for me. The epilogue tied up many loose ends, but went a bit too long for me.

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