Secrets to the Grave opens with a brutal murder scene...
"She lay discarded like a life-sized broken doll - made up, torn up and cast aside, her brown eyes cloudy and lifeless. Beside her lay a smaller doll - her child - head resting on her shoulder, face streaked with the last of her mother's life's blood.
The telephone receiver dangles near the floor, stenciled with small bloody fingerprints. The last words spoken into it were a whisper still hanging in the air: "My daddy hurt my mommy..."
The she in the tableau is Marissa Fordham. Marissa and her daughter Haley were recent additions to the population of Oak Knoll, CA. With a local wealthy patron, Marissa had been making her living as an artist.
Detective Tony Mendez is the lead on the case. He calls in child advocate Anne Leone to protect four year old Haley's interests, with the hope that the child can give them something to go on. Anne herself is still recovering from the brutal attack on her life by the See No Evil killer that terrorized Oak Knoll last year. She is a newlywed, having married Vince Leone, the FBI agent called in to handle that case. Mendez calls in Vince as well to help him with this new horrific case. Their investigation uncovers no records of a Marissa Fordham ever existing before her arrival in Oak Knoll... who was she really, who would have wanted her dead, who is the child's father? Could this case have ties to last year's brutal murders?
I really enjoyed the characters introduced in Deeper Than the Dead and was thrilled to see that Hoag had reprised them and carried on with the story of Oak Knoll. The neat thing is that these books are set in 1986. So, forensic methods and tools such as DNA banks as we know them from current tv shows and current headlines just don't exist yet, although they are hoped for. Mendez and Leone must use 'old fashioned' methods to investigate. I quite enjoyed the 'historical' references to movies, style and culture inserted into the story.
Hoag has created a multi level plot with some red herrings, but also some subtle clues tucked in if you read carefully. Watch for those sneaky little sentences at the ends of the chapters. Details are teased out from each character on the way to the solution - it seems that every one in Oak Knoll has secrets. Fair warning - the crime is somewhat gruesome in description,some readers may be offended.

Secrets to the Grave is on tour with TLC Book Tours - check out what other bloggers are saying.
Count me in, Luanne! The Big Guy loves Tami Hoag. Well, her books, not her personally 'cuz he is all MINE!
It's been a long time since I've read a good murder/crime/detective type book. These sound wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway.
I have all of Tammi Hoag's books and I would so much like to win this one.
Please enter my name in the giveaway for the book. Thanks!
pboylecharley AT hotmail DOT com
I've heard great things about Tami's books and I'd love to give her a try =)
Thanks so much,
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
I love mysteries! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
Awesome giveaway...would love love love to win!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I have read all of her books, I would love to read this new one.
I have been waiting for Tami to release a new book! I can't wait to pick this one up and give it a good read. Tami Hoag was introduced to me when I had jury duty and have kept her on my list of favorite authors to keep track of.
This sounds fantastic! I enjoy Tami Hoag's books.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I would love to be entered for this!
These sound great. Thanks for sharing!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thanks Bookworm! I'm so glad readers are enjoying these characters as much as I enjoy writing them.
I've liked everything I've read by her, please enter me.
seriousreader at live dot com
Sounds fantastic! SO glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for being on the tour!
I would love to win these books.
Sounds fab!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love Tami Hoag, but haven't read these, so I'd love to win!
This is exciting! Definitely entering.
Wow! Fantastic giveaway because I hate to read a 2nd book without reading the 1st, first. I've heard wonderful things about Tami's work. Thanks for the chance to win these.
gcpeach17 at aol dot com
Oooh, I'd love to win! I love me some Tami Hoag! laura.kramarsky[at]womenofmystery[dot]net
Sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance.
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Please count me in, it sounds like a great read! I think the 1986 setting is interesting too, long before a lot of the forensics testing came along!
That's great. I enjoy Tami Hoag's books. Thanks for the offer.
Ooh! I love Tami Hoag--she writes great suspense.
I'd love a chance to read this, it sounds fantastic.
strandedhero at gmail dot com
Love her books, thanks for the chance
I have never read any of her books but these seem like a great start.
It would be nice to win them. I liked her book, A Thin Dark Line.
This looks like a great thriller for a cold winter evening.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love Tami Hoag's books! I have all of them, and am eagerly awaiting this one. Please enter me in this contest.
maureen.kopper (@
My wife and mother both like Ms. Hoag's books, so I'd pass them to them.
Please enter me. I really enjoy Hoag but haven't read these. Thanks :)
stacybooks at yahoo
Please count me in. I love free books and a Tami Hoag is what I need to cuddle up with in front of the fire.
Add me to the list. I enjoy Tammy Hoag and would enjoy reading this.
Mike Draper
My favorite type of book - murder detective stories. Please count me in.
Ziggywag at yahoo dot com
Love, love, love Tami Hoag! Please enter me, thanks.
I haven't read either book, and just the cover of this one looks intriguing!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I have just started reading her books and I am lookig forward to reading more
mellanhead74 at
Tami Hoag's books are wonderful.
My bookclub loves when her books come out and they are always our next read.
Love your review!! Ive read some of Tami Hoag's earlier books..but have not started this one yet..would love to win this book (then i would HAVE to buy the first one!)..
Always love reading your blog!! ;-)
allisonsattic at gmail dot com
I'd love to read this book!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Her books are always good! Please enter me! Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
mittens0831 at aol dot com
So generous, thanks! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com
Tami Hoag's books are terrific!
I'd love to win this book!
Mysteries are my favorite genre of reading. Tami Hoag is the reigning queen of mystery
Please count me in. Many thanks.
I love Tami Hoag and would love to win!
Both of these books would be a truly awesome win! Love to read them.
I'm ready for a good book!
I would really like to win these books---I haven't read a good Tami Hoag book in a long time.
I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the chance.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I really am a Tami Hoag fan and would love to win these books. Happy New Year!
This sounds like the kind of book I love. I've written down her previous book to look up in the library.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
This sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway! wgbc1446[at]yahoo[dot]com
The book sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance to win! Happy New Year!
Sounds like a good read. Happy holidays!
Tami Hoag is awesome. Please count me in.
It looks like a great story.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Longtime fan of Tami Hoag's writing. I would love to win two of her books that I haven't read. Thanks
I've never read Tami Hoag's books but really want to since my friends say she's the best!
I would like to read this book!
Please enter me in to win
trippyjanet at hotmail dot com
I would love the chance to read this.
shawnac68 @ hotmail dot com
I am a huge Tami Hoag fan and would love to read this
This is great, thanks so much!
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
Would love to read these. Thrillers are my favorite.
Sounds like a terrific read!
Thanks for adding the 1st book for those of us really behind on their reading
Not read either of these books. I do like a good mystery and a sequel makes it better!! Fun read for the winner! Thanks for the Giveaway!!
I've been hearing quite a bit about Tami Hoag but have never read any of her books. Would like to start with this one.
I love a good book
These books sound really good, and I think it'll be really interesting to read a novel set 20 years ago to remind myself how far we've come in forensic investigation.
i love to read would love this book
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I love mysteries! Thanks for the chance
It is so nice to see the chance to get both the books in a group--so often I end up with #2 or more and have to hunt to get the first one!
cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a good book
s2s2 at comcast dot net
Thank you for the great giveaway please count me in :)
This sounds like a very interesting book. Thanks.
I would love a chance to win. Thank you.
Sounds fabulous, like the kind you can't put down no matter how tired you are!
sounds like a great book, enter me. :^)
Count me in. I would like to read this book .
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
This could be first on my list of 'to read' in 2011!
heatherpooh (hotmail)
I like Tami Hoag - I have read a couple of her books - great suspense writer :)
misaacmom at gmail dot com
I love suspense and mystery-count me in!
dwellenstein at cox dot net
After I lost my Husband to the horrible act of 911 I felt very alone and VERY depressed, that's when I bought my first Tami Hoag book, A Thin Dark Line and then I continued to read more and more of her, now I'm addicted and it did help keep my mind very much off of feeling such a lose. Hope I can be part of ur drawing. Thank Kerry
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