Thursday, June 11, 2009

Giveaway - Secrets to Happiness - Sarah Dunn

Thanks to the generosity of The Hachette Book Group, I have a copy of Sarah Dunn's latest book, Secrets to Happiness, to giveaway.

From the publisher:

"Holly Frick has just endured the worst kind of breakup: the kind where you're still in love with the person leaving you. While her wounds are still dangerously close to the surface, her happily married best friend confesses over a bottle of wine that she is this close to having an affair. And another woman comes to Holly for advice about her love life--with Holly's ex!Holly decides that if everyone around her can take pleasure wherever they find it, so will she. As any self-respecting 30ish New York woman would do, she brings two males into her life: a flawed but endearing dog, and a good natured, much younger lover. She's soon entangled in a web of emails, chance meetings, and misguided good intentions and must forge an entirely new path to Nirvana. From the author of The Big Love, Secrets to Happiness is a big-hearted, knife-sharp, and hilariously entertaining story about the perils of love and friendship, sex and betrayal--and a thoroughly modern take on our struggle to be happy."

To be entered, leave a comment about something that makes you happy! Open to both US and Canada, no po boxes please. PLEASE make sure I have a way to contact you - either through your blog or by leaving your email. Giveaway ends July 7th, 6 pm EST. Good luck and check the sidebar for ongoing giveaway.


Unknown said...

My hubby makes me happy:)

Bridget said...

For all their aggravation, my kids still make me happy!

Just posted on Win A Book for you.

Linda Nguyen said...

Being with my other half makes me happy. =)

lindanmc (at)

tetewa said...

Swimming on a hot summer day!

Unknown said...

My daughter makes me happy :)

lavery328 at yahoo dot com

scottsgal said...

Watching my kids play sports makes me happy

msboatgal at

Unknown said...

My doggy makes me happy! Thats probably why I love this cover so much. Thanks for the chance.

Pam said...

Listening to my children laugh makes me happy...

melacan at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My children make me happy. They make me happy when they make me proud. Today my daughter won a school sports award and that was thrilling.
polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail Dot com

Dawn M. said...

Laughing with friends and family. :0)

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Renee G said...

Reading a book makes me happy.

Jacqueline C. said...

spending time with friends, reading, baking, and eating out

Anonymous said...

One thing that makes me happy is going to the fair in the summer. Riding rides, eating the food you never eat otherwise, seeing the crafts, it's awesome.


Nan said...

My two dogs make me happy! :-)


Unknown said...

Just being able to get away for a few minutes and think to myself makes me happy.

This one looks like a good read, please enter me into this drawing.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Gwendolyn B. said...

The beach makes me very happy.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book - it would make me happy, too!

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Jo-Jo said...

One thing that makes me happy is having margaritas with the girls!
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

Belinda M said...

Spending time with my son makes me very happy

"Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Fun:"

throuthehaze said...

being with my family makes me happy

Rudon said...

Secrets to happiness?
I think enjoy the small moments, such as admiring a pretty flower. The laugh of a child. A great Hug!
These things hold you through the busy times

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

My hubby and my dogs make me happy!
Thanks for hosting!


Unknown said...

My husband, my dog Tony and my family make me happy.

KR said...

Being a teacher on summer vacation makes me happy!


kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

Running into a hyper happy dog as I walk home from the train. :)

Carlene said...

I love coming home in the afternoon and see my four Chihuahuas they make me happy. Please inlcude me in your giveaway.

allison gottberg said...

A well stocked library that's open on Sunday and my tiny dog Mason always make me happy. :)


LoveMyCoffee said...

My husband, my puppies, a good book, and a great cup of iced coffee.


Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Being with my family makes me super happy! Yay! (hammocks, tea, crafting, + books do too...)

heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com

Patti V. said...

My twin grandchildren make me happy!!

Cindy said...

Gardening in the summertime makes me happy! Spending time with my family makes me happy anytime!


janetfaye said...

Birds singing in the morning make me happy!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

mrsshukra said...

Normalcy makes me happy! Thanks!

Julia said...

Going out for a day of quilt shops and lunch with my best friend makes me very happy.

Ken Cenerelli said...

My wife Renee!

CherylS22 said...

My family makes me happy!


Patti said...

My son when he is laughing makes me happy.


Misusedinnocence said...

My sons hugs. :)

mverno said...

my family- also really enjoy harness racing with the family

js22 said...

thinking about winning a large lottery jackpot makes me happy!

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

Annie1 said...

Random Acts of Kindness make me doing them!



my doggies

Suburban prep said...

being able to spend time with my husband and family and seeing my 6 month old nephews toothless grin.

Judy said...

My grandson trying to pronounce grandma makes me happy. Judy

tatertot374 said...

I would love to win. My children and husband makes me very happy
Thank you for the chance

randio said...

I have a great life & it makes me very happy!

David Johnson said...

Music makes me happy, thanks.

Victoria said...

My kids, hubby and life make me happy!

barbara said...

My kids make me happy!

Sammie said...

One thing that makes me happy is seeing my two children being happy, happy that I am not doing laundry but instead sitting on the floor playing with them.

SamantharaeM at gmail dot com

Jennifer said...

Watching all my animals play. Especially my cats. They put a smile on my face every time. Thank you!

linett said...

spending time with my grandkids, thanks

Anonymous said...

I love music, and I find if I'm "down" or extra tired, listening to music, or singing songs I like, makes me feel happy again.

May Schultz

abeaudet said...

My spouse and two kitties, and my home, make me happy.

oceanrena said...

my future son currently due in oct makes me happy

Anonymous said...

My boys and husband make me happy.


Anonymous said...

My daughter makes me happy!


The Merry Death said...

Thunderstorms and my cats make me happy.

Nicole C. said...

My children make me happy!!


Amy said...

My family makes me happy - my very funny husband and my many wacky cats! :o)

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Being alive makes me happy!

heatherzilla said...

My family makes me happy!

Laura's Reviews said...

My two sons and husband make me happy. Reading a great book also makes me happy. laarlt78 at

Leslie R said...

The cover of this book makes me happy! I love doggie smiles!!!


Anonymous said...

ice cream makes me happy.

danosor said...

My grandchildren,My new little puppy,my husband,life makes me happy.

Alicia said...

My kitties make me happy.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

Smooshy said...

my home makes me happy!

Rebecca Cox said...

My husband, my son and my two chihuahua's make me happy, well maybe not the 12 week old one. But he will once he is house broken! Actually psychiatrists say, nothing can MAKE you happy or sad, you make yourself that way. It is only how you respond to things.
rebecca dot cox at charter dot net

dag888888 said...

Thanks, please include me!

Carol EL said...

My fifteen grandkids and five chihuahuas make me happy.

Sue W. said...

Being able to ride my jet ski on our beautiful lake makes me very happy.

Tammy said...

When ther is no argument going on between my two teenage sons

Anonymous said...

My twin, mom, 3 cats, and psycho dog make me really happy!


Debbie said...

The thing that make me happy at my kids, early sunny mornings on my back porch with my coffee and book

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Andria said...

watching the birds at my bird feeder makes me happy.

Debbie F said...

My kids make me happy.

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

My husband puts a big smile on my face! Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

*~Dani~* said...

My husband! He always brings a smile to my face.

Mozi Esme said...

The cover of that book makes me happy! And of course, my baby girl. And ripe berries. And sprinklers.

amanda said...

Autumn weather and reading a great book!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

This book sounds great! My pets make me happy!!!! Thanks!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Karen said...

My family makes me happy :)

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

Spending quality time with Joseph makes me happy.

Becca said...

My dog Argus makes me happy :)

Marianna said...

My two sons and a day off work! Thanks for the giveaway!

yadgirl said...

Walking makes me happy.

Jenny said...

My husband makes me very happy. One day I bought a couple bottles of champagne and the check-out lady asked me what the special occasion was. "My husband's coming home!" I told her. She smiled and asked, "Has he been gone long?"

"Yup," I said. "All day!

Hoping the next 15 years are as good as the last fifteen.

Anonymous said...

Summertime makes me happy! Thanks!

rubynreba said...

It makes me happy when I can do things for other people and see a smile on their face.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

My 20 year old daughter and 18 year old twin sons make me happy!

erma said...

My hubby, kids and cats make me happy.

tomgibson38 said...

Pizza and a good movie!

Stephanie said...

Special people in my life make me happy - but so does a big bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and pecans.
skg.teach at gmail dot com

Molly K said...

My husband and boys make me happy.

Gabriel S-J. said...

My son makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

Sunshine makes me happy!

Amanda Sixx said...

My cat Zeppelyn makes me happy


susan1215 said...

Hearing my kids laugh makes me happy

mich0825 said...

smelling my roses & pruning them makes me happy :) oh yeah, and giving bouquets to people who aren't expecting them!

souldolphindream said...

Watching my son play in the ocean when just 2 months ago he would not makes me very happy

lezanac said...

My family makes me happy

Unknown said...

My fiance absolutely makes me the happiest woman on earth.

Sarah said...

My three little ones make me happy, they make me smile every single day.

haomom said...

my kids and husband, and being outdoors

Sheila Hickmon said...

My kids make me happy!

Oneangel said...

Hearing my children laughing make me happy.

Kimberly said...

My dogs make me happy. I firmly believe that there would be less evil in the world if everyone had a furry companion. It's impossible to have a bad day when you have a little fluff ball that worships you.

Unknown said...

taking my dog for a walk con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

aimless1 said...

An afternoon nap in a breezy room with a book on my chest and a cat curled beside me. That's a big slice of happy.

My contact is

Liz Mays said...

My kids make me happier than anything!

Helen said...

Walking my dog makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

Having Mother Daughter talks with my daughter makes me happy.

Kathy P said...

gardening makes me happy..i love flowers :)

lilyk said...

Food makes me happy.

Sheilacakes said...

My son makes me happy. He is the sweetest little boy!

Miranda Ward said...

my kids make me happy

Donna said...

My husband and my daughter make me very happy. I absolutely love spending time with both of them. I also love reading. Always have a book to read and if not I have to make a mad dash to McKay's used books or the library!!!

Jess Russell said...

My 4 yr. old son, Dylan makes me happy most of all. He is the love of my life!

cman said...

My babies giggles and smiles :)

NesieBird said...

My kids make me happy (when they are not fighting)! kneecree at gmail dot com

Maja said...

swimming and dancing with my son


My kids & pets make me the happiest!

Other than that, it's any day that I am not in pain ( which is hardly never)& anytime I win something.

Lee P said...

Spending time with my husband and children makes me happy. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in. I'd be happy if I won!
