Small town USA. An aging pop star who goes by the name Amie Em stumbles in the local police station, saying she was carjacked by a teenaged boy. Another boy named Liam tried to stop the theft and was critically injured. But her story keeps changing and there are gaping holes in her recounting of the crime. The finger is inevitably pointed at Wade - a high school outcast.
Gaylin mirrors today's society - much of the case is debated online in various social forums. The presumption of innocent until proven guilty doesn't figure into the diatribe.. A young man's life is irrevocably changed and the injured teen becomes a downed hero to the town.
But is Wade guilty? He refuses to speak about that night. His mother Jackie knows he is not capable of such an act. Or is he? Gaylin tells this story through many points of view, giving the reader options as to what the outcome might be. I felt for Jackie as she struggled to clear her son's name. Gaylin's depictions of her emotions and relationships with her sons was well done. But my favourite supporting character was Officer Pearl Maze. She has her own issues, but was the clearest thinking character for me. (And I'd really like to see her in another book.)
Gaylin provides red herrings and alternative outcomes along the way to the final whodunit. I admit to having my suspicions about one character, who was just a little too calm and helpful for me. And yes, they did figure into the final reveal. But, that in no way detracted from my enjoyment of If I Die Tonight. An entertaining read and I will be picking up Gaylin's next book. Read an excerpt of If I Die Tonight.

I received this book for review from HarperCollins and TLC book tours.
I like the sound of this book!
bermudaonion, it was quite entertaining. A few plot devices that had me taking a grain of salt, but still good.
Yours is the third positive review I've read about this book and I'm sold. Looking forward to reading it!
Yes, when I posted on Goodreads Kay, I saw the same rating I'd given the book.
Sounds really good! You're always good at figuring out the, not so much. :)
Thank you for being on this tour!
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