Friday, July 3, 2015

You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover #60

- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true.
 But you can like one cover version better than another...

US cover
Here you go Reacher Creatures! The latest Reacher book from Lee Child releases in September 2015. The US cover for Make Me is on the left and the UK cover is on the right. Hmm, well the US cover is definitely dramatic and eye catching. The UK cover is subtler with a lone man at a remote crossroads. I'm 50/50 this week, but will go with the UK. Which cover do you prefer? Do you plan to read Make Me? You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular Saturday feature at A Book Worm's World.
(That is indeed appearing on Friday this week due to another commitment tomorrow!)


bermudaonion said...

Like you, I don't think either cover is great but I pick the UK cover.

Icewineanne said...

I always prefer a drawing/painting over plain words on a cover, so the UK cover wins it!