Monday, July 13, 2015

Giveaway - Devil's Harbor - Alex Gilly

Love fast-paced thrillers? Then I've got a great giveaway for you today!

Devil's Harbor is Alex Gilly's newly released debut novel - and I have THREE copies to giveaway to lucky readers!

From the publisher, Forge Books:

"With heart-stopping thrills, a Walter White-esque villain, and a fascinating hero, Alex Gilly's Devil's Harbor is a thriller unlike any you have read before Nick Finn and his partner and brother-in-law, Diego Jimenez, are used to rough water. As Marine Interdiction Agents for Customs and Border Protection, the two hunt drug smugglers, human traffickers, and other criminals who hide in the vastness of the waters surrounding southern California. One night, Finn and Diego track a phantom boat off the Los Angeles coast, but it disappears before they can intercept it. They find a dead body in its wake, ravaged by sharks. Their investigation into the floater stalls when Finn is accused of using excessive force following the death of a suspected drug smuggler.

Then Diego is murdered - and Finn is the number-one suspect. As he races to find the real killer and save his marriage, Finn is forced to partner with Linda Blake, the desperate captain of the Pacific Belle and mother of Lucy, a very sick little girl, to attempt the one thing he has devoted his life to stopping. In order to clear his name and save a child's life, Finn must smuggle narcotics by sea into the United States…and avoid the net that his CBP colleagues have cast for him."

Sounds like a great non-stop action filled read! See for yourself - read an excerpt of Devil's Harbor.

"Alex Gilly is a writer and an internationally bestselling translator who was born in New York City. His published translations include the best-selling INCAS trilogy (The Light of Machu Picchu, The Puma’s Shadow and The Gold of Cuzco) by A. B. Daniel, published by Scribner in the United States, and Thierry Cruvellier's Master of Confessions, a non-fiction account of the first of the Khmer Rouge trials in Phnom Penh. He is also the official translator for award-winning novelist Amin Maalouf’s blog. Gilly has lived in Australia, Canada, France, California, and the UK, and he currently lives in Sydney with his wife and son." You can connect with Alex Gilly on Twitter.

If Devil's Harbor sounds like a book you'd enjoy, enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends July 25/15.



Ethan said...

Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!

traveler said...

A great enthralling novel. Thanks for this giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I love a great mystery, the storyline say read me.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Grandma Cootie said...

This sounds like an exciting read and a great story. Thanks for the giveaway.

Karen B said...

Sounds like a terrific read!

Karin said...

Sounds good, thanks for the giveaway!