I've found that many novelists publish a holiday story featuring their recurring characters or settings. And that's true with Sharyn McCrumb's first Christmas book. McCrumb also writes what she knows.....
...."My books are like Appalachian quilts," says Sharyn McCrumb. "I take brightly colored scraps of legends, ballads, fragments of rural life, and local tragedy, and I piece them together into a complex whole that tells not only a story, but also a deeper truth about the culture of the mountain South."
Nora Bonesteel has lived her whole life in her family home in the mountains. She has fond memories of years and Christmases gone by. When her newish neighbour comes to call, prattling on about their house being haunted, Nora has an idea what might be going on....
McCrumb also includes a parallel storyline featuring Sheriff Spencer Arrowood and Deputy Joe LeDonne, who are reluctant to carry out an arrest warrant on Christmas Eve. When they arrive at the house, they too are in for a bit of a surprise....
McCrumb's description of the settings evokes vivid pictures of time and place. But it is Nora's memories that stayed with me - Christmases gone by that were celebrated in a simpler fashion, without the commercial frenzy. It was about the people, not 'things'. McCrumb's style of writing is comfortable, almost folksy, leaving the reader feel like they're part of the story.

Sharyn McCrumb is an award-winning Southern writer, best known for her Appalachian “Ballad” novels, including the New York Times best sellers The Ballad of Tom Dooley, The Ballad of Frankie Silver, and Ghost Riders. Nora Bonesteel's Christmas Past, releasing in October 2014 by Abingdon Press, is McCrumb's first Christmas novella in the Ballad series.
When my girls were small, I loved taking them to look at Christmas lights.
lag110 at mchsi dot com
An exceptional giveaway. Thanks. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
This sounds like a great little Christmas story and a bit of a mystery too. Thanks for the chance to win it. I remember one Christmas when my Dad carved a fishing boat for me. Unfortunately it got lost over the years. I wish I still had it now. carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx
Christmas began when my mother got out the Christmas dishes and glasses. These were passed down to me and then to my middle son.
My favorite holiday memory is when my brother and I were little, and we would get up at 3 am to go downstairs and count who had more presents under the tree! lol
Christmas is my favorite time of year, very hard to find one special memory.Christmas music has to be on the top of my list. Can't wait to play it!
Everything about Christmas is a great memory.
It's never too early for a Christmas read! One of my favorite Christmas memories, which really happened more than once, was the years they kids would try to sneak down and see everything before they thought we were up. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
One of my favorite things to do is go with my family to a neighbors house and they have a caroling party.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday memory is my dad being the town Santa one year.
I always enjoy walking around the neighborhood Christmas Eve night to see the bagged candles along the roads. So beautiful.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com Poo
decorating the tree together
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Loved being with my family as we decorate the tree... Hot chocolate, snacks, and tinsel!
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