Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Bone Yard - Jefferson Bass

I've been a fan of the Jefferson Bass forensic novels from the very beginning. The Bone Yard is the sixth book in this riveting series.

Recurring character Dr. Bill Brockton is the director of the Body Farm (an anthropology research facility) in Tennessee. Here's the neat part - co author Dr. Bill Bass is himself the founder of the original Body Farm and a world recognized forensic anthropologist. His writing, scenarios and plots have the unmistakable ring of truth and authenticity, which make them absolutely riveting reads.

In the Bone Yard Dr. Brockton takes on consult with a colleague in Florida. She's asked him to examiner her sister's remains to try to prove that it was murder, not suicide. While looking into this case, he is also asked to have a look at a skull that a local resident's dog has found. When the dog starts bringing back more skeletal remains that show signs of violence, Bill is asked to stay on a bit longer. As he helps investigate, the ugly past of a local reformatory for boys is brought to light.

I've read the last five books, but decided to listen to The Bone Yard.  (great on my walks!) Tom Stechschulte was the reader (I've listened to him before and enjoy his measured reading.) His voice conjured up the mental image I had already formed for Dr. Bill Brockton. Slightly older and gravelly, not overly forceful, but intelligent.

The subject matter is a bit graphic - some readers/listeners may find it disturbing. But the case itself is based in reality. I was happy that this latest book avoided Dr. Bill's romantic problems brought up in the last book, The Bone Thief. I found them somewhat extraneous and enjoyed having just the mystery as the focus this book.

This is a series I've come to enjoy and I will definitely be waiting for the next book. Read an excerpt of The Bone Yard.


Harvee44 said...

Glad you recommend the book. I have it on my shelf to read. My Tuesday tease is from a new culinary mystery.
Crunch Time

bermudaonion said...

If it's graphic, I can read it, but not listen to it. This sounds good.

Angie @ By Book or By Crook said...

I love forensic novels. They're so fascinating!

Luanne said...

Book Dilettante - Crunch Time is on my TBR pile!

Kathy - I know what you mean - a voice has a more direct effect on the words.

Angie - this is a pretty good series. I also enjoy the Kathy Reichs books.