Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Guest Post AND Giveaway - Jill Mansell - Millie's Fling!!

I am absolutely thrilled to bits to welcome guest blogger and author Jill Mansell to A Bookworm's World today!

Hi Luanne, and many thanks for inviting me to write my first ever guest blog! I do so hope you enjoy Millie’s Fling, which is set in Cornwall in the UK. Cornwall is one of my all-time favourite places – it’s so beautiful and it’s where we used to spend holidays when I was a child. The sun, the surf, the amazing beaches and the smugglers’ caves – I loved everything about it. We used to stay in quaint country cottages back in those days and shell-collecting was the highlight of my holiday. Then years passed and in due course I found myself a grown-up with kids of my own. Where else to go than Devon and Cornwall? But this time we stayed at holiday camps, in caravans, with hundreds of other children all around and non-stop entertainment day and night. It would be some people’s idea of hell, but it suited us down to the ground.

So to set a book in a place I love is always a joy, because in a way it’s like spending time back there and smelling that glorious sea air again. Newquay has changed over the years, but I’m still writing about the town I love and remember from my precious holidays. It has one of the best surfing beaches in the UK, although sadly I never did learn how to surf. If I were to visit it now, I’d be looking out for Millie and her friends, for the houses they lived in, the imaginary places they visited.

And now to the book. It really was the most brilliant fun to write. I don’t even know if you have novelty telegram services in the U.S. – maybe you don’t – but they’re always a talking point! When I worked in the neurological hospital, one of our consultant neuropsychiatrists had a visit from a strippagram on his birthday, done very tastefully, no nudity, but an unforgettable photo-opportunity. I still have the pictures! Another time, one of the nurses received a singing telegram from a gorgeous guy dressed as a fireman who scooped her up and ran around the hospital with her in his arms. I decided on the roller-skating gorillagram for Millie because unglamorous is always funnier than glamorous. But it’s a career jam-packed with wonderful opportunities for the novelist – so many things can happen, so much can go wrong...for a comedy writer like me, the possibilities are endless!

So, to all of you out there reading this, have any of you ever been on the receiving end of a singing telegram/strippagram/rollerskating gorillagram??? Was it funny? Was it embarrassing? Did you want to run away and hide or did you love it? Tell me – I’d love to know!

About the Author:
Jill Mansell is one of the UK’s premiere contemporary authors who has written nearly 20 romances with multi-generational appeal and has sold nearly 4 million copies of her books in the UK. Releasing her latest novel this Fall, Millie’s Fling, Mansell’s writing style can be best described as “Sex & the City meets Bridget Jones’s Diary.” She worked for many years at the Burden Neurological Hospital, Bristol, and now writes full time. She lives with her partner and their children in Bristol, England. For more information on Jill in the UK, please visit http://www.jillmansell.co.uk/, and for info on her US releases, go to http://www.sourcebooks.com/spotlight/jill-mansell.html!

Thank you so much for stopping by Jill! (In case you missed it, you can read my review of Millie's Fling here - I loved it!) And I know you will too! Courtesy of Sourcebooks
, (thanks Danielle!) I have two copies of Jill's latest North American release - Millie's Fling to giveaway. To be entered, just answer Jill's question at the end of her interview! Ends Saturday Sept 26th at 6pm EST. Open to both Canada and the US.


Patti V. said...

I've never received a singing telegram, but I know they have them in the U.S.
The book sounds great and the author's blog was wonderful. Thanks Luanne.

Pam said...

Although I've never recieved a singing telegram or strip-o-gram, I embarrassed my husband one Valentine's Day by having my dad's Barbershop Quartet deliver him a song at work. My hubby was sure he'd be fired, even though all the customers at the restaurant loved it.

melacan at hotmail dot com

fredamans said...

Thank you for the entry.


I have not had a singing telegram before. I've seen it done in the movies that's all. Though I admit, it would be a really fun thing for a birthday or anniversary.

The Book Chick said...

I've never had a singing telegram- I've never even seen/ heard one in person! I'd love to, though, as long as it wasn't for me, I would probably be embarrased!

Please enter me to win a copy of this book! I'm a HUGE Jill Mansell fan (and I mean HUGE) and would love to win a copy of her latest NA release!


Bridget said...

Hi! Just posted about this on Win A Book. No need to enter me.

traveler said...

Thanks for this lovely giveaway. I have never received a singing telegram nor a strip-o-gram. The book looks wonderful. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I've never had a singing telegram, they must not be very popular around here because I dont know anyone who has ever had one. Thanks for the chance to read this book.

wheresmyrain said...

though i have never recieved a singing telegram, i love the idea, though I would probably be embarassed to recieve one, I always thought it would be such fun to send one to someone

sounds like a great read

wheresmyrain at yahoo dot com

drey said...

Nope, no singing telegram/strippagram/rollerskating gorillagram for me... Phew! *grin*

Thanks for the giveaway!
dreyshouse at gmail dot com

bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, LuAnne, I'm thrilled that Jill Mansell wrote her first guest post for you! I have never received a singing/stipping/gorilla telegram, but I do think it would be fun. milou2ster(at)gmail.com

Cackleberry Homestead said...

It seems that singing telegrams used to be popular, but not so much anymore. I've never gotten one of those for sure, but I know if I did I would be so red-faced.

Thanks for the great guest post and for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I've never been on the receiving end of any kind "gram" but I think it would be a huge thrill. I wouldn't be embarrassed at all.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful guest review...And no, I have never been a part of any telegrams mentioned.

karen k

clenna said...

I never had a singing telegram but i sent one to my hubby. it was a belly dancer and it was embarrassing!
It was also funny and gave us much to talk about for a long time.
clenna at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Great guest post. This book looks very good.

I had a singing telegram of sorts on my birthday in 08'. My family took me out to a restaurant and my BIL came strolling in as Bubba Nelson doing his singing/comedy act. It was hilarious and the whole restaurant was falling off their chairs laughing!

He does this often, changing his routine. He's been Bubba Presley as well as many other people!! It's always so funny.

lelou2 AT ymail DOT com

jill mansell said...

Hi, it's me again! Vicky and Clenna - the singing telegram and the bellydancer one both sound fab. I think it's the fact that they become such a talking point afterwards that makes them so much fun. I love the sound of Pam's dad's barbershop quartet too! (I took bellydancing classes on our cruise last year - maybe I could start an alternative career...!)
Love to all and hope you all read and enjoy the book.
Jill x

Jenny N. said...

No I have not received any singing telegrams and I have never seen one being delivered but I would love to get one one day.


DarcyO said...

Nope, but my boss received the gift of song for his birthday from a local Red Hat club which came to his office to serenade him. He sure was red-faced!

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

I've never received a singing telegram or a strip-o-gram. I would be uncomfortable.

Sounds like a great read!

dancealert at aol dot com

Mozi Esme said...

Looks like a fun read!

And nope, never received anything like that! We used to do stuff like this in high school - to raise money for classes, etc. - someone would come around with flowers or a barbershop quartet would surprise a student in class (no stripping, of course). But that was all fun - there were lots of people getting it. I'm not sure how embarrassed I'd be now.

Come to think of it, a friend arranged a saxophone player to serenade a college date and I while we were at a restaurant! Fun, but I think I was blushing the whole time.

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

throuthehaze said...

Ive never been sent a singing telegram....I know I would die of embarrassment If I was though

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Park Avenue Princess said...


How exciting to have Jill Mansell on your blog!!

And to answer your question: I've never got a Singing Telegram - but, I did get a knock on the door for my 23rd birthday party...courtesy of my three girlfriends...well, I was shocked that there was a police officer at the door. (A very good looking police officer...I'll give him that) But, I was immediately trying to figure out why? We weren't overly loud, no extra loud music, I thought someone had complained...until...*ahem* He *cough* started taking his *cough* clothes off. OMG Was I red! Of course I think they enjoyed it much more than me!! I was too embarrassed to even think!!

LOL! Thanks for the wonderful post!

xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)


donnas said...

I have not been on the receiving end. I think I would be horribly embarrassed. But I have seen plenty on TV and in the movies.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

mrsshukra said...

Never been on the receiving end... but once participated with a group in giving someone a stripagram and we all watched him enjoy his gift! Unforgettable.


Alyce said...

I think it must be something more available in large cities (I'm thinking of Bette Midler in the bunny outfit from Beaches). I live in a small town, and no, I've never received any sort of singing telegram.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I regret to say that I have never been the received an anything-ogram. I think it would be great fun to watch!


Unknown said...

I have never been the recipient of any of those "grams", but I do remember being embarrassed by the male stripper at my SIL's bachelorette party. I'll look, but don't want to touch - thank you!


Lee P said...

I have never had a singing telegram or strippagram or rollerstaking gorillagram, but I want to!! It would be a blast!! I would howl at that. Thanks for the nice interview and giveaway. Please count me in.


Sue said...

I've never seen a singing telegram except in the movies.
I'd love a chance! Thanks for sharing.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

holdenj said...

Wonderful post. I've never receieved a singing telelgram, but when my daughter was three, a singing Barney arrived courtesy of my brother! It was a bit overwhelming for her, but she loved it in the end!

Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

Beth (BBRB) said...

Thankfully I have never been the recipient of a dancing/singing anything! That would be horrifying!

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

KR said...

I've never given or received one. I live out in the boonies. I think it'd be fun tho!


LoveMyCoffee said...

I've never received any type of gram. I think it would be fun.


JoanneR said...

Have never received any type of "gram" but would love to some day! Thank you for the chance!

abfantom said...

Nope, nothing like that for me! My family knows I would be too embarassed by something like that.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

5webs said...

I have never received nor sent a strippergram, but one of my good friends was on the receiving end of one. He was dressed as a cop, and she was absolutely mortified. BTW, I'd love to go to Cornwall. I have a friend who lives in Germany, but is British by birth, and he vacations in Cornwall with relatives every year.
Alicia Webster

john ferris said...

No, I never received one.
john ferris

demmi said...

I have never received a singing telegram or strip o gram but think it would be fun con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Natalie A. said...

I have never had a singing telegram or anything like that! I've only seen things like that in the movies! :) Thanks!


Amber said...

I have never received a singing telegram but I would think it would be fun - this book looks great!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

alycep said...

I have not been on the other end of a singing telegram but years ago my boss's boyfriend sent a gorilla (someone in a gorilla suit actually) to propse to her for him-it was a blast for us but she was not so happy though.......she was embarrassed and I do not think she wanted to get married........anyway the book spund fun.

apoalillo at hotmail dot com

heatherzilla said...

I have never been on the receiving end of a singing telegram/strippagram/rollerskating gorillagram, but I would think it would be funny.


mverno said...

not me mverno@roadrunner.com

mindy said...

no i have not received one but did send a gorillagram minsthins at optonline dot net

Nancye said...

I have never had someone give me singing telegram/strippagram/rollerskating gorillagram. The closest I have ever come to a singing telegram is when I had a group of children sing "Happy Birthday" to me when I was working at an elementary school. It made me smile all day long!!

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Donna M. Clark said...

I have never had a singing telegram, or any other singing gram at me. I think I would die of embarrassment. Thank you for having this giveaway
litefoot873 (@) hotmail.com

David Johnson said...

I have never had a singing telegram, thanks.

cqueen2 said...

I've never received a singing telegram:( but would love too heheh


wadesherry@hotmail dot com

Alicia said...

I got a strip a gram for my 17th birthday. The guy was disgustingly ugly & I was surrounded by classmates, including the guy I had a major crush on. Everyone else had a good time.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

js22 said...

LOL!!! No, I've never received any of these ...grams - thank goodness! I embarrass easily!

email in blogger profile.

danosor said...

I never received a singing telegram although i'd love to send one.

Stitchin in the Sip said...

I have never been on the receiving end of a singing telegram but I would be flattered if I were to receive one.

Thanks for giveaway!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for bringing Jill Mansel to my attention, her website is wonderful and her books sound the same. I'm excited to read her books.

I have never personally received any singing-grams etc. but when I was a junior in college, a large group of us girls were having a cocktail party prior tp attending a junior class dance sponsored by the college. Our guy friends sent us a stripper-gram in the guise of a police officer. We all thought we were being too loud and were going to get in trouble for having alcohol at our party. We kept apologizing and telling him we would turn down the music & throw out the alcohol. Suddenly he did two shots in a row that were sitting on the bar & then we realized he was dancing and unbuttoning his shirt and he just kept going on and on....We were all mortified - the guy said he never had so many women back away from him so quickly & at one time! He turned out to be a very nice guy but while he was doing his act to music it was difficult to look at him! I still have the pictures somewhere!

Thanks for the memory! LOL


Tarah said...

I've never received one of those - thank goodness. I embarrass easily and would probably be blushing for days!


Shelly said...

no i have never received any kind of gram... but i would probably laugh a lot of i did!

andrus.shelly at gmail.com

Mllbs3 said...

I've never received a singing telegram but it sure sounds like fun!


M. said...

The closest I've come was having to wear the 'moose hat' at a rocky mountain themed restaurant on my birthday as the entire waitstaff sang to me. Embarrassing enough.

This cover is very pretty and this author new-to-me but sounds like a good bet.

Thanks for the interview, and giveaway.

mayamissani AT yahoo DOT ca

Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...

I've never been the recipient, thankfully! It was bad enough having flowers delivered to me at work "just because". :)

I secretly loved it but it was a little embarrassing.

jlsemon at gmail dot com

kygirl said...

Never been on the recieving end of a telegram at al. But it was fun doing it to others.

Kaitlin said...

I have never received any type of gram but I think it would be fun. thanks. kaitlin5m[at]yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read this

edq143 at yahoo dot com

Smooshy said...

i've never received any but i've been plotting to send one to my husband for a while now.. i should get on that!

sweetsue said...

I haven't received anything like that. When my aunt was getting married somebody sent a male stripper-he didn't strip completely and it was all in good fun. I would hate if it happened to me though.
smchester at gmail dot com

Belinda M said...

I have never received any type Gram's or given. I think it could be a cool thing to get though

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/


paryjeja said...

I have never received a singing telegram, and if I did I am sure I would hate it as I can stand even being in a restaurant when they sing happy birthday to someone.
paryeja at sbcglobal dot net

catss99 said...

I've never received one but I'm sure I'd love it;-)

Jonnie (JB) said...

I have never received a singing telegram and I think I would find it embarrassing if I did. Although I would appreciate the thought behind it.

Kaye said...

I've never received a telegram, singing or not singing. Sounds like it would be a fun experience but no strippers, I'm an old lady, I would blush and probably faint.

Ha ha. Please enter me in the contest.


SusanB said...

I have never been on the receiving end but have been present during someone receiving one. The look on their face.......

Carol EL said...

No,never have,and I've never seen any one else get one. jelly15301@gmail.com

sweetjudyblue said...

I would love to have this happen to me, but it never has.

Allison said...

I've never had any kind of telegram sent to me..but i think it would be fun!!

I would love to be entered for this book..Ive read 2 other books of Jill's and loved them!!

allisonsattic at gmail dot com

LittleEagle said...

I have not had a singing gram but would be very redfaced if it happened.

Erica G said...

I have never been the recipient of a telegram. I am sure I would be embarrassed. I know it would be memorable.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Curling up by the Fire said...

I have never been on the receiving end of one of these, but I am pretty sure I would be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Have never been on the receiving end of any kind of singing 'gram :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

CherylS22 said...

No, I've never been on the receiving end of any of those things you mentioned.
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com

SeahorseLady said...

I was sent a singing telegram for Valentine's Day one year. It was a wonderful quartet and they were all dressed in suits and sounded wonderful but I felt pretty foolish sitting there listening to them. It was very sweet though.

Ellie Wright said...

I've never received one, but have often thought it would be fun. Maybe I should send one to somebody. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

erma said...

I've never received a singing telegram.

Andria said...

I've never received any of those.

Marie said...

I've never received one but would probably be turning bright red if I did :-)


Valeen said...

I have never received a singing telegram but I have done some crazy happy birthday songs to my friends!

Leslie said...

Nope never received one before.

bkpittman1 said...

I've never recieved one, but I'd be like Harry Jr. on Hope Floats...I've waited on one my whole life and have never got one.

thanks for the give away.

souldolphindream said...

Yes I have had a singing telegram. It was when I was about 15 for valentines day. they came to the school and everything. I think that my face turned 15 shades of red. I did get some wonderful flowers and balloons thou.


Sheila Hickmon said...

I've never had one, but I'm sure I would be really embarrassed if I ever get one!

Unknown said...

When I was in high school I received a Valentine's Gram from the guy I had a crush on. He actually came to my class and read the Gram out loud. I turned bright red, but it was a nice surprise that I remember.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Our 5 Bunch said...

My son once sent me a Candy Gram, but nobody sang when it was delivered. It would of been more fun with a singer or stripper doing the delivery.


Lourdes said...

I've never received any of those telegrams, but I would love to. I may need to drop a hint to my husband.


Couture Lady said...

I have not received one but I would love one from my boyfriend.
Thanks for the chance.

mommyjen99 said...

I received a singing telegram when I was in junior high.

Charlene Kuser said...

When I worked in the mall the
girls ordered me a singing
Mickey and Minnie Mouse for my birthday.It was so embrassing,but I have to admit it sounded great


dvice12 said...

I've never received one.

Anonymous said...

Aw Gee! NO, I've never had a singing telegram delivered to me! Sniff, Sniff!! Does that mean I can't win here? That book sounds great.

May Schultz

Anonymous said...

I've never received one but the girl I worked with received one. The male stripper showed up at work and did his number. The girl was embarassed but we loved it. garrettsambo@aol.com

Unknown said...

No, I have never been on the receiving end of one, but I did go to see some male friends do a strip show one night and that was bad enough. They were all great guys who did this on the side to make a little extra money. Well, they decide to all "grind" on me in my chair at the show. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard for the floor to open up and swallow me! I was soooooooooooo embarrassed. It was all in good fun, but it still mortified me...LOL. Thanks!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

KayeDean said...

I have been on the recieving end of a stripogram at a party before I got married. It was a lot of fun. Nothing embarrasses me anymore.

Tammy said...

I personally have never had a singing telegram. I probably would flare up red and be particularly embarrassed.

liliesrnice said...

I've never gotten one and don't think I'd like it lol. But I'd send one haha!

packerfantimmy said...

I have never received a singing telegram but sure wish I would at some point in life because they are hilarious.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I've never received a singing telegram but it would be kind of neat!


susan1215 said...

No I haven't received a singing telegram

Cheer Mom said...

I once received a Bear gram for my anniversary. The bear did sing, but nobody did the actual singing.



I have gotten a strip o gram from a BFF!
She did it for my 21st Birthday years ago!

It was awesome!

I got a singing gram when I worked in HOuston Texas a few years later for my Birthday too!

They are really funny & a nice pcik me up!

Had a blast & laughed about it to this day!


disneyfanheather said...

I've never received a singing telegram/strippagram/rollerskating gorillagram, but I think that would be awesome lol! I would probably laugh and be slightly embarrassed.

Unknown said...

never never :) My friends did get me a stipper the night before my wedding and I was so upset I cried. Not my cup of tea and I guess I was a little bit of a party pooper.

lilyk said...

I have never been on the receiving end of a singing telegram/strippagram/rollerskating gorillagram.

Anonymous said...

I have not been the recipient of this!


Dawn Reid said...

I've never had a singing telegram. Thanks for the chance to win this book,