Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Saving Emma - Allen Eskens

 Allen Eskens is hands down, one of my favorite authors. I've enjoyed each and every one of the books he's written. His latest - Saving Emma is no exception.

Lawyer Boady Sanden is part of The Innocence Project. The goal is to revisit a case when new information is found. Elijah's sister approaches Boady sure that her brother is innocent, despite being convicted of murder. Boady very reluctantly says he will.

Boady has a lot on his plate. His ward Emma is questioning her life. And another relative opened their door to her. But, Boady and his wife Dee question the motive behind that move. And then there's a connection that's so unexpected....

What makes Eskens' books so good? Well, his lead characters for one thing. They're never perfect or hotshots. Instead they're real and believable, making mistakes along the way, but trying to do their best. The supporting characters are just as well drawn. Dee is the voice of reason and emotions, doing her best as well. The antagonists? Yeah, it won't be too hard to pinpoint the 'bad guys.' 

Then there's the plotting. Fantastic melding of two seemingly disparate plotlines. One of the main parts is easily recognizable from television and news. The other is a 'couldn't be predicted' element. And finally, a nice gotcha in the final pages. Morality, family and faith are woven into the story as well. 

And then the writing itself.  It's easy to be drawn in the story and I'm always eager to see what the next chapter will bring. Eskens is just so 'readable'. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Saving Emma.  

1 comment:

Luanne said...

I really enjoy his books - hope you get a chance to read one.