Thursday, September 7, 2023

Holly - Stephen King

A new Stephen King book? Yes! With Holly Gibley running the show? Yes! She's the lead in King's brand new book - Holly.

Like me, those who are fans of Holly already know how tenacious and determined she is. But, this latest case for her investigative firm of Finders Keepers will push her to the limit. And she's working alone. Holly takes place in the times of Covid. King shares Holly's views on the pandemic and they are woven into the narrative. ;0)

King starts off the book with a heckuva first chapter. We get to meet the antagonists right off the bat. And what a pair they are. Creepy, devious, dangerous - and they're not what or who you imagine. And that's what is letting them to get away with what they're doing.

One of my favorite things about King's writing are the details he incorporates into his stories. We get to 'know' the victims and they're not just a body. Same with the killers - icky as they are. And most of all Holly herself. Her self doubts, the issues she's facing, and so much more. The supporting cast is also quite detailed. I like the return to favorite characters. 

Holly is contacted by a mother to look for her missing teenage daughter. The clues are there, but most would not see the connections. Holly does. Could there be other victims? King's plotting is fantastic!

What a tale! I've said before that I often feel more immersed in a book when I listen to it. And this is definitely the case with Holly. The reader was Justine Lupe and she had also voiced Holly in Mr. Mercedes. I appreciate the continuity. Her reading is so measured, in pretty much any situation. And this is perfect for the character of Holly. Lupe's voice is clear and easy to understand. Her voice matches the mental image I had created for Holly. The perpetrator's voices literally gave me goosebumps. Lupe does a great job of capturing the actions, emotions and more. A wonderful presentation of a an excellent story. Hear for yourself - listen to an excerpt of Holly

“I could never let Holly Gibney go. She was supposed to be a walk-on character in Mr. Mercedes and she just kind of stole the book and stole my heart. Holly is all her.” —STEPHEN KING. Here's hoping there are more stories with Holly.


Ethan said...

I'm really excited for this one! I realized as I prepared to read it, that I somehow missed reading End of Watch. Not sure how that happened as I've read all the other titles with her in it. I've got a copy from my library, so I'll give that one a read first.

Luanne said...

I would too Ethan - and now you have two great reads waiting for you!