Jessica is in need of money - she's covering a lot of her parent's expenses. When she learns of a psychological study that pays, she signs up. She takes the initial survey and is invited back for more sessions by the never seen Dr. Shields. The questions grow increasingly invasive, but the pay also rises. And then Jessica is asked to do even more....
"Your loyalty has been methodically cultivated. You have been paid thousands of dollars for your services. You have received carefully curated gifts. Your emotional state has been attended to; you have received the equivalent of intensive therapy sessions for free. You belong to me."
An Anonymous Girl is told from two viewpoints - Jessica's and Dr. Shields. And yes, the phrase 'cat and mouse game' definitely applies here.
My pragmatic nature made me question Jess's continued acceptance of the increasing nature of the 'tasks' assigned by Dr. Shields. (What would you do for needed cash?) But, I just went with it and got caught up in the ever increasing spiral between the two.
And I'm going to leave it there - I don't want to give away where the plot goes. You need to discover that for yourselves! Read an excerpt of An Anonymous Girl.
And a quick comment on the cover. The Wife Between us had a very similar look. This cover almost duplicates it - wonder if it's going to be a 'trademark for this talented duo?
I've read some mixed things about their work. I need to try one of their books and decide for myself.
I'm planning on trying this one. I liked the first book this duo published last year and, yes, the covers are certainly similar. We'll see how it goes. With that first one (The Wife Between Us - think that was the titled), the less you knew the better. I suspected this one would be the same.
Try a few chapters Bermudaonion and see if it grabs you.
Kay, I did enjoy the first one as well. And this latest follows the same idea - and yes, the less you know when you start, the better.
Thanks for an intriguing review.
I loved both books! The Wife Between Us was one that I read in just a few hours. I took it to work and my friends all passed it around. Fortunately, I was given an e-ARC of An Anonymous Girl and again, read it in just a few hours. It was terrific! This is a great writing duo and will be an auto-buy for me from now on.
You're welcome Mystica - thanks for stopping by to read it!
Hi SavingsinSeconds. I agree, they are quick addictive reads. I too will pick up their next book.
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