Monday, March 7, 2016

In Real Life - Jessica Love - Review AND Giveaway

In Real Life is the new young adult novel from Jessica Love.

Hannah is the quintessential 'good girl' - good grades, listening to her parents and never breaking the rules. Her biggest vice is talking online to her friend Nick. Nick from Las Vegas that she's never met in four years. Nick that really knows her and gets her. Nick that maybe she maybe likes as more than a friend......

"My best friend and I have never met. We talk every day on the phone or online, and he knows more about me than anyone."

So when Spring Break rolls around Hannah decides it's finally time to break some rules. Hannah, her friend Grace and her older sister decide to head to meet Nick.

Love has come up with a great premise - someone's online presence can be completely different from 'real life.' (and have you watched Catfishing?!) I was completely taken with Hannah. I loved her voice and her thoughts and found myself casting back to those uncertain teenage years. And Nick reminded me of someone from those teen years as well - kind, quiet and a keeper. The supporting cast is somewhat cliched, but serve as perfect foils for the main plot.

Love captures the so dynamic perfectly. Missed cues, missed opportunities and missteps populate the pages of In Real Life. Is In Real Life based in reality? Parts of it yes and parts of it no - some of the Vegas behaviour was a bit over the top risky. But putting that aside, it was a fun, cute, escapist piece of light contemporary teen romance that I quite enjoyed. With a few little nuggets of wisdom thrown in that anyone can appreciate...

"You don't have to choose Hannah. It's not success or fun. It's not life or love. You don't have to just pick one door to walk through." Read an excerpt of In Real Life.

And if you'd like to read In Real Life, I have a copy to giveaway courtesy of St. Martin's Griffin! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. 
Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends March 19/16.

"Jessica Love is a high school English teacher who lives in Southern California with her husband, her son, and their two tiny dogs. She's working on her Master's Degree in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Spalding University, and her big love is contemporary YA romance. Jessica spends all of her free money on concerts, constantly tries to prove that blondes have more fun, and is pretty much always on the internet." You can connect with Jessica on her website, on Facebook, as well as on Twitter.


Kay said...

This one sounds like fun. I'm in.

bermudaonion said...

I never really "got" online friends until I made some of my own. This sounds good!

traveler said...

What a delightful and interesting book which interests me greatly. Thanks.

jemrah said...

I would love to read In Real Life! Thanks!

Christina R. said...

Awesome concept!! completely agree with you about it being a cute idea that hasn't been done before but I think what really makes it special is the fact that you loved the characters :)

lovely review! :)

thank you!

Christina Kit. on GFC

I have a Canadian address but rafflecopter might show my location outside Canada because I'm doing a semester abroad

Margie said...

Sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a good day.

Margie said...

Sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a good day.

holdenj said...

I would love to read In Real Life. Thanks for the chance to win!

Amber's said...

I've had many friendships like this! Would love this book :)

Karin Rhoads said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Tammy Dalley said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

rhonda said...

Thanks for giveaway

Ophelia said...

Looks like it'd be a great read! Thx for the chance!

Patti V said...

I love young adult lit.