DK Canada has put together a great selection of titles in their Turn Over A New Page boutique to start off 2016. "The prescription for joy is to learn something new! Start the new year by stirring up your brain juices - tackle a craft project, master a new skill or enrich an existing talent."

Many of the twenty top ingredients that form the basis of the bites are ones I had already had in my cupboards - quinoa, oats, almonds, walnuts, chia etc. The properties of these ingredients and why they're so good for you is also listed. The next few pages include another fifty items that can be incorporated into the basic energy bite formula.
And that formula is easy- simply choose one ingredient from each category, pop in the food processor, shape into balls and chill. "Nuts+Dried Fruit+Powder+Sticky Stuff+Coating=Energy Bite!" These are the basic no bake bites. Recipes are also included for savory bites made of veggies and lentils that require a bit of cooking. Each recipe has a different target - nutrient booster, instant energy, anti-oxidant etc.
I had all the ingredients on hand for Superfood Granola Balls, so I tried those first. They were easy to make, tasted great and the DH liked them as well. Nutrition information is included for each recipe - pay attention to these - the bites pack a nutritional punch in a small package. The Granola balls were 125 calories each. Next up for me in the Tropical Immune Boosters - mango and cashews at 55 calories each.
The recipes are indeed vegetarian, gluten and dairy free and free of refined sugars. Have a look for yourself - here's an excerpt of Energy Bites.
***DK Canada's I Love DK promotion started on January 1st as well. This is DK's annual tradition where they ask readers use the #ILoveDK hashtag to nominate a favourite DK book on Twitter or on DK Canada's Facebook page about their favourite DK book of all time and why you love it. Submit your fave by January 31/16.***
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