Now if you're a DK fan too, there's a great promotion coming up.....
DK Canada wants readers (and lovers) of DK books to send a short review or just a one or two sentence shout out about their favourite DK book of all time and why you love it. On Valentine's Day they'll select one of those reviews as a winner and that person will win a$250.00 shopping spree to chose $250 worth of DK books!
Share your favourite I Love DK pick with others - on Twitter with @DKCanada and the hashtag #ILoveDK. Or post to DK Canada's Facebook page. Get your pick in between January 19 - February 4/15 to be entered.
My pick? Ahh!! It's so hard to pick just one! Right now, it's the new release Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet. Chock full of great ideas. So.....what' your pick?
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