Gregg Hurwitz writes this genre - and does it very well. His latest book is Tell No Lies.
Daniel Brasher comes from money, but decided to make his own way in life and make a difference in other's lives. Daniel works as a counsellor for a group of paroled violent offenders. While checking his oft neglected staff mailbox one night, he comes across a unsigned departmental envelope. The missive inside is chilling...
"Admit what youv don, or you will bleed for it. you hav til november 15 at midnite. jack holley."
The date has passed, and when Daniel and his wife check the paper - they find the news story detailing the murder of Jack Holley. Daniel contacts the police, but more letters - and more deadlines - keep showing up in his mailbox. Could it be one of the ex-cons in his group? Why is Daniel receiving these letters?
Hurwitz has populated Tell No Lies with lots of suspects to choose from. He plants red herrings and provides enough twists and turns that I really had no idea 'whodunit' until the last few chapters. You may have to suspend disbelief on a few plot points, but Hurwitz has written a great piece of escapist reading. Tell No Lies is all about the page turning action (which is exactly what I wanted). Daniel is somewhat fleshed out, but don't expect great characterization. His mother and some of the cons are a bit cliched, but serve their purpose.
The counselling sessions with the parolees were well written and actually provided some food for thought. There are some other social commentary bits scattered throughout the book.
Recommended for suspense and thriller readers. Fans of Harlan Coben and Linwood Barclay would enjoy Gregg Hurwitz.
Read an excerpt of Tell No Lies. You can keep up with Gregg Hurwitz on Facebook and on Twitter.
I think you have to suspend disbelief with must suspense novels. This one sounds like it's worth exploring.
Yes, I think so as well!
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