The Drummond Girls: A Story of Fierce Friendship Beyond Time and Chance by Mardi Jo Link releases July 14/15. I'm looking forward to reading this one!
And if you are too, I have FIVE copies to giveaway!
From Grand Central Publishing:
"An inspiring and heartfelt memoir about the friendship between eight women forged over two decades. The eight Drummond Girls first met in 1991 at Peegeo's Food and Spirits in northern Michigan where, at the time, they were all waitresses, bartenders, or regular customers. When one of them got engaged, they celebrated with a trip to Drummond Island--their first trip together to the remote 36-mile chunk of rock, dive bars, dirt roads, and beautiful forests--and it's where they became bonded forever. They've made this voyage every year since then as a way to retain a piece of their wild youth, despite the taming influence of marriage, motherhood, and management. This year, their focus is Beverly, oldest of the Drummond Girls at 65, whose memory is beginning to lapse. Undaunted, the other women intend to help Beverly remember all they've shared -- every campfire, every late night talk, every secret confided." Read an excerpt of The Drummond Girls

"Mardi Jo Link has worked as a police and general assignment reporter, magazine editor, and freelance writer. She is a Heartland bestselling author of the critically acclaimed memoir Bootstrapper--which won the Great Lakes, Great Reads Booksellers' Choice Award and the Michigan Notable Book Award--as well as When Evil Came to Good Hart and Isadore's Secret." (I loved her memoir Bootstrapper!) You can connect with Mardi Jo on Facebook as well as on Twitter.
Sounds great doesn't it!? Watch for my review! And, if you too, would like to read The Drummond Girls, enter for the chance to win one of FIVE copies up for grabs using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada, no PO boxes please. Ends July 18/15.
Sounds like an interesting storyline.
I love books like that! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for this captivating and lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
This sounds like a book I'd really enjoy...a piece of herstory!
Isn't it amazing how we put together our own surrogate families sometimes. The most unusual circumstances can result in the strongest friendships. Thanks.
Can't wait to read the lasted book by Ms. Link...she is an amazing author!
I loved Bootstapper and Im excited to get my hands on The Drummond Girls!!
Sounds fascinating. Thanks for the giveaway.
My type of book!
Perfect for me!
sounds like a nice group of ladies
Sounds like a great story! Thanks!
I really like that they have been able to stay friends for so long. I would love to read this amazing story. Thanks for having the giveaway.
I've put this one on my "to read" list on Goodreads
Thanks for sharing
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