Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Night Watching - Tracy Sierra

Wow! Night Watching is a debut novel from Tracy Sierra.

I live in an older house and know which stair riser is the squeaky one, which door won't stay shut, which faucet drips and so much more. I know all of those sounds and they belong. 

In Night Watching, an unnamed mother wakes up at midnight, in a snow storm and hears boots on the stairs - and she knows it is not her husband. Her two children are in their bedrooms. What to do?! I'm going to let you find out who is on the stairs and what happens next...

Oh, this is a terrifying tale. I really didn't want to read it alone at home at night. Sierra gives us bigger goose bumps with the lack of violence. It's so much more with the threat of what might transpire.

My attention never wavered and I had to know what would happen next.  Kudos to Tracy Sierra. I can't wait to see what she writes next. See for yourself - read an excerpt from Night Watching.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Seaside Sisters - Pamela Kelley

Are you looking for a beach read? Yes? Perfect! Pamela Kelley has a new book out called The Seaside Sisters - and it takes place in Chatham, Cape Cod in the summer!
Hannah has had great success with her first book. But she's having trouble with the follow up book. Her personal life and health are not in a good place either. When her Aunt invites her to come for the summer, she jumps at the opportunity.

Hannah is the lead character and is quite likable - as is the case for most of the characters. There are players from all ages and stages of life. Kelley gives them all 'issues' to be worked through. And the endings for all are satisfying.

The settings are well drawn and detailed. The bookshop was my favorite. :0) There's quite a few  restaurants and a number of get togethers. The food and drink are detailed as well.
The book is somewhat predictable, but that was the draw for me - a book I could take my time with.

The perfect book to tuck in your beach bag! See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Seaside Sisters.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Welcome to Glorious Tuga - Francesca Segal

Oh. my gosh. I turned the first few pages of Welcome to Glorious Tuga - and I knew I wouldn't be able to put Francesca Segal's book down until I turned the last page!

Why you ask? Well the wonderfully imagined setting was somewhere I wanted to be. A very, very small island that's more than a bit of a paradise.

There's a large group of characters and there is list of their names and connections at the front of the book, but I found that I really didn't need to refer to it. The characters are just as richly described as the setting. I easily picked up on who was who. People do come and leave, and everyone has a place and job on the island. Charlotte is one of those coming in - she'll be studying the gold coin tortoises in the jungle. 

And the plotting? Excellent! As readers, we're privy to everyone's inner thoughts and actions. And we're unable to point them in the right direction. (Or what we think is right). Segal also gives us a yes, no, maybe so romantic subplot.

What's also wonderful is the caring on the island. Everyone knows your business, but for the most part, that's not a bad thing. I hated to leave Tuga - I wanted to sit in the sun and watch the waves roll in. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Storm Warning - David Bell

Do you ever look at the cover of a book in your TBR pile and immediately choose it for your next read? I just did! 

I was looking for an 'action' read, if you know what I mean. David Bell's latest book, Storm Warning, was the perfect choice.

Ten people are the last residents who live in a crumbling building on a barrier island in Florida. That's not the last thing they need to worry about - a hurricane might be headed their way. And ... I'm going to let you find out what else could might happen to these folks...

There's a great lead character in Storm Warning. Jake's just an ordinary guy trying to do the right thing for everybody - and stay alive. The supporting characters are a mixed bag - you'll have fun guessing if everyone is telling the truth. 

The setting is really easy to imagine and Bell's descriptions paint vivid images for the reader.

The plotting is good and imaginative. I did see one element coming early - but this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Storm Warning. 

And I can absolutely see this book as a movie. It's got a vintage Brice Willis feel to it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Murder in Mayfair - Verity Bright

Rainy days call for a cuddle up on the couch, with a quilt on your lap, a pot of tea and, a faithful dog. And .... a cosy mystery! 

I chose Murder in Mayfair by Verity Bright. Bright is a new to me author. This is Book 18 in the Lady Eleanor Swift series.

The books are set in the 1920's - a time that I quite enjoy. Lady Eleanor Swift is excited to be going on a hot air balloon ride, looking down at London. But instead, she witnesses a crime taking place below! And what she does next is unexpected, but I knew this was going to be a character I'd enjoy! Her beloved butler Clifford, tries to run interference for her. As does her fiancée - Detective Hugh Seldon. I quite like all three recurring characters. The banter between the three is fun to read. Back stories are alluded to, but I easily picked up on what has gone before.

The plot is also well written, and well presented, giving the reader time to count down to the final whodunit. Another crime runs parallel to the first. Could the two be connected?

I quite enjoyed this tale. I'll be adding Verity Bright and Lady Swift to my list of  cosy mysteries. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Murder in Mayfair. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Middle of the Night - Riley Sager

I've seen his name and I've read the reviews (all very good) but...I've never read or listened to one of Riley Sager's book! Big mistake.

I just finished listening to Middle of the Night, and I absolutely loved it! 

It was thirty years ago when Ethan and his best friend Billy had a sleep over in their tent. But when Ethan woke up the next morning...Billy was gone...and never found.

Ethan is back at his parent's home and his memories and guilt are lying heavy. But is someone playing games with him? Signs of Billy, things that only Ethan could know and more...

The book is told in a then and now style that I always enjoy. We're with Ethan as he explores the past and tries to figure out what is going on now. There's a cast of supporting players that knew Billy and they may have some answers. The path to final answers takes a twisted path. One that I really enjoyed.

There was a great Stranger Things and Stand By Me feeling to Middle of the Night.

I often find that I become more immersed in a tale by listening. That was absolutely the case with Middle of the Night. The narrator was Santino Fontana and he was perfect for this tale. His voice was clear and easy on the ears. He enunciated clearly. He provides voices are perfect for each character - male, female, old and young. He captured the plot and presented it wonderfully.  Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Margo's Got Money Trouble Rufi Thorpe

I'm seeing and hearing some great things about Rufi Thorpe's new book, Margo's Got Money Troubles. (And I really like the cover!)

Margot finds herself pregnant - something that wasn't planned - but she is not unhappy with becoming a single mother.

The reader/listener is alongside Margo as she treads on the path to adulthood, parenthood and all that comes with that. The need for money is right up there as well.  

Margo has some family support behind her, others in front, holding her back. She does find a legal job, but again, she is ostracized. Now this might sound like a heavy book. And it is, raising some questions about societies' role in someone's life, when she's paddling as hard as she can. There are lots of light hearted moments that had me laughing out loud. At other times, really angry at those who are putting road blocks in her way. 

Thorpe has created such a wonderful protagonist - and she's so easy to like. And you'll be cheering for her all the way.

I chose to listen to Margo's Got Money Trouble when I saw who the reader was - Elle Fanning! Her voice is absolutely for Margo's voice! She's captured the essence of who Margo is. Her inner dialogue is so well depicted. Her voice is pleasant to listen and she enunciates well. I thing she's really done a great of presenting Thorpe's work. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt of Margo's Got Money Trouble.

Friday, July 19, 2024

A Talent for Murder - Peter Swanson

What would you do if you thought your husband wasn't quite who you thought he was?

That's a bare bones description of Peter Swanson's latest book - A Talent for Murder. Swanson starts off the book with a surprising prologue that had me hooked,

What would you do? Would you tell your bestie? To the police? Confront your husband? Follow him? Or .....

I'll let you find what Martha decides to do. But it's not quite black and white. There are a number of sentences that had me going back to re read if I had read it right. Swanson gives more than one surprise. I really enjoy twists and turns that keep me guessing.

One thing I would liked have seen are chapter headers to identify who was speaking. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Don't Let the Devil Ride - Ace Atkins

Don't Let the Devil Ride is Ace Atkins' new novel. And what a ride it is! Atkins hits the ground running and the action, twists, turns and more just never stops.

The starting point? "A Memphis woman hires a PI to find her missing husband, only to discover that he is involved in a dangerous web of international intrigue - and she and her children are now at risk. Hell is empty…and Addison McKellar’s husband is missing."

There are many characters and each is given a voice. I really liked Addison, but my hands down favorite was legendary Memphis PI Porter Hayes. I swear the music from "Shaft" started to play in my head. (In a good way!)

The narrative bounces from plotline to plotline in each chapter - a style that always keeps me up late for just one more chapter. At first, I thought it was a bit far-fetched, but I changed my tune as the seemingly disparate elements started to weave themselves together. 

The dialogue is short, snappy and adds to the overall feeling of the book. I quite enjoyed Don't Let the Devil Ride and was a bit surprised by some of the other reviews. I was with S.A. Cosby on this one. "An instant Southern noir classic". See for  yourself - read an excerpt of Don't Let The Devil Ride

Monday, July 15, 2024

Storm Child - Michael Robotham

Storm Child is the fourth entry in Michael Robotham's Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac series. 

Quick catch up if you've not read the first three books. Cyrus is a  psychologist and is the person who found Evie as a child, hiding in a house of horrors. Evie doesn't remember much of her early years - until now...

Robotham has added clues about Evie over the course of the first three books. But fans of this series thrilled to know that this new book does give readers answers at last! But at what cost to Evie?

I really these two characters - Cyrus's slower pace and thinking before acting is the exact opposite to Evie's scattergun approach. They play off each other well. And the care is there between them. I've become invested in both of them.

Robotham's plotting has been wonderful in each entry. This latest could have been torn from newspaper headlines. The plot has a satisfying finish, but I thing there is still much in store for Evie and Cyrus. There are a few questions left...

This latest entry is also available in an audio format. The narrator is Joe Jameson. He has also narrated the other three books. I appreciate the continuity in bringing back the same reader. Jameson has created the perfect voices for the lead characters. Cyrus's voice is calm and controlled. It's in a lower tone that draws in the listener. The voice for Evie is spot on. She says what she's thinking. You can hear the walls she's put up, the chip on her shoulder and the attitude that hides her insecurity. There are a number of supporting players and again, the voices are perfect. Jameson's reading is clear and easy to understand. His presentation of Robotham's work is perfect. Listen to an audio excerpt of Storm Child. 

Storm Child - Michael Robotham

Storm Child is the fourth entry in Michael Robotham's Cyrus Haven and Evie Cormac series. 

Quick catch up if you've not read the first three books. Cyrus is a  psychologist and is the person who found Evie as a child, hiding in a house of horrors. Evie doesn't remember much of her early years - until now...

Robotham has added clues about Evie over the course of the first three books. But fans of this series thrilled to know that this new book does give readers answers at last! But at what cost to Evie?

I really these two characters - Cyrus's slower pace and thinking before acting is the exact opposite to Evie's scattergun approach. They play off each other well. And the care is there between them. I've become invested in both of them.

Robotham's plotting has been wonderful in each entry. This latest could have been torn from newspaper headlines. The plot has a satisfying finish, but I thing there is still much in store for Evie and Cyrus. There are a few questions left...

An easy five star read. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Storm Child

Friday, July 12, 2024

Known to the Victim - K.L. Armstrong

Okay, suspense fans! You need to read Known to the Victim by K.L. Armstrong.

Amy Gibson's mother was murdered by her boyfriend. It took years and a lot of love from her brother Oliver to get Amy where she is now. She is a speaker and hosts a popular true crime podcast that focuses on crimes against women committed by their partners. 

When Oliver is charged with an unthinkable crime, it's Amy's turn to defend him...because there's no way he did what they're saying...right?

This is such an addictive read! Just as you think you're on the path to one answer, the direction changes - and again and again. I loved having no idea as to how things are going to finally finish up.

There are two main characters - Amy and a P.I. named Dean. Both are strong personalities and they slowly earn the respect of the other. 

I honestly couldn't book the book down! I needed to know the answer! See for yourself - read an excerpt of Known to the Victim.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Granite Harbor - Peter Nichols

Peter Nichols' latest book is Granite Harbor.

The cover appealed to me - the lone figure on the somewhat iffy jetty. For me that man is Alex. This is his first murder case as both a parent and detective. This is also frightening to Isabel - a single mother to Ethan.
I liked how Nichols unfolded his plotting. Each character has a voice, their thoughts explored, and the possibility of what they might know, hold back or/and more. This includes the killer. Definitely unsettling...

The social fabric of Granite Harbor is also explored from all ages. Don't be overwhelmed by the wealth of details. Around the halfway point things get grisly. I quite liked the slow burn of this one. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Granite Harbor.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Finding Mr. Write - Kelley Armstrong

Kelley Armstrong is one of my favourite authors. She writes in a number of genres and many of them contain romantic threads. But a full on rom-com? Finding Mr. Write is the only one! And it is a fantastic read!

Armstrong draws on her own experiences, as well as those of her author friends in Finding Mr. Write.

"How much easier would those early days have if we could have hired an actor? Found someone smooth and glib and witty, who would be a much better spokesperson for our books. And I thought, That's a rom-com!

I was hooked right from the first pages. Daphne is our lead character. She's smart, strong, talented and but sometimes she forgets that. She's so easy to like. Her inner dialogue feels real and clever. And how about Chris Stanton? He's an accountant, but thinks he can bring "Zane Remington" to life. (The name is perfect!) We readers are privy to his inner thoughts and dialogue as well. And yes, there are a lot of funny bits. I found myself laughing out loud. And in any rom-com tale, there's a lot of yes, no, maybe so, on the path to the final chapters.

I loved the characters, the premise, the truths, the writing and just all of it! See for yourself - read an excerpt of Finding Mr. Write.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Murder at an English Pub - Alice Castle

A Bookworm's World is a stop on today's blog for Murder at an English Pub.

I have a fondness for cozy mysteries. And I'm always on the lookout  for new series. My latest find is Murder at an English Pub by Alice Castle - and this is book one in a new series!

"Retired doctor Sarah Vane moves to Merstairs, she has no idea that the quaint seaside town isn’t quite as friendly it seems, and something sinister is bubbling under the picturesque surface…"
Sarah doesn't have a lot of faith in the constabulary of this small villager. Sarah is curious by nature and can't help but launch her own investigation into the crime. She is helped (or perhaps hindered) by her longtime and somewhat scatterbrained friend Daphne. I quite like Saras as a lead character. And let's not forget Hamish - her black Scottie dog.

Sarah meets the villagers one by one and endeavors to interview them without it appearing so. There's a broad bunch of residents that could be the culprit. But just as Sarah thinks she has the answer - new information is uncovered. I think Castle does a great job of keeping the reader guessing right through to the last pages. 

Castle has created a detailed setting in Merstairs that appealed to me. Especially her little cottage.

And given that this is a cozy, it's best read with a pot of tea, a quilt on your lap and a dog at your feet. I'll be watching for the second book in this series. 

Before turning to crime, Alice Castle was a UK newspaper journalist for The Daily Express, The Times and The Daily Telegraph. Her latest cozy mystery, set in fictional seaside town Mersta s, stars retired GP Sarah Vane. It will be published in July by Bookouture, who also publish Alice's nine-book Beth Haldane Mysteries series set in south east London. Alice also writes psychological thrillers for HQDigital as A.M. Castle.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Lenny Marks Gets Away with Murder - Kerryn Mayne

I liked the cover of Kerryn Mayne's debut novel - Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder. But I loved the story so much! 

Lenny is a primary teacher - she's never missed a day or forgotten to plan for the next day. She eats the same thing each day, rides her bike everywhere and plays Scrabble with Monica from Friends. Well, she plays Monica's tiles as well as her own. There is order and peace to her life.

"It had taken considerable effort and time to get to this point and she was not planning on disrupting the perfectly good order of things."

Yes, she's a bit odd, but she is kind to everyone she meets, thinking the best of others. Her students love her, but the some of other the teachers are downright cruel to Lenny. Oh, they made me so mad! There's always a mean girl in a school - and this time it's a teacher.

The cracks start to show in Lenny's carefully built defenses. A conversation with the grocery man, her next door neighbor needing some help and a few other connections open the gates a crack and.....well I'm going to let you find out what's next...

You'll have an idea what the past might hold, but I didn't have the whole picture until the final chapters arrived.
Mayne gives Lenny a neat device for defusing her anxiety. She'll take a word and rearrange the letters for other words that fit what's going on.

This was such a great read! There's a lot going on and I just wanted things to work out for Lenny.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

You Like it Darker - Stephen King

I was so excited when I heard that Stephen King had a new book coming out. You Like it Darker is a collection of fabulous stories from King. 

"You like it darker? Fine, so do I,” writes Stephen King in the afterword to this magnificent new collection of twelve stories that delve into the darker part of life—both metaphorical and literal".

I chose to listen to You Like it Darker when I saw that Will Patton was the narrator. He's hand downs one of my favorite readers.

The first story is Two Talented Bastids. It's much long than I had expected the stories to be - that's a really good thing! Stephen King can write anything - long, short and in between and I am captivated by  them all. This first tale has two friends from the same small town recounting how they found fame and fortune. You'll never guess... Patton uses a spot-on Maine accent with a side of gravelly for the characters. King's detailed prose had me imagining the setting, the men, and the.....

The Fifth Step is one of the shorter stories - but it packs a punch that you won't see coming....

Wondering what happened to Danny Coughlin from Cujo? He can be found in a tale titled Rattlesnakes. This one was downright terrifying!

Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream caught me right away and I couldn't stop listening! Danny finds something and does his best to anonymously have it taken care of. But things go sideways and Danny is in a bad place...with a antagonist you're going to love to hate. The voice meets the character perfectly. Flat, dangerous, sure of the themself and more than a little off. The voice for Danny is just right -  it sounds like an every guy that just can't believe what's going on. And as listeners we can't believe it as well. This one had me shouting out loud in frustration!

I do not like flying at all. I debated if I wanted to listen to The Turbulence Expert, but in the end did. And found it to be a little bit reassuring - even as I wondered if my coming flight would need this..... I love how Stephen King takes everyday events, situations, people and with a few sentences turn things upside down and inside out.  

There are many more, but they are the ones that stood out for me - but each and every one is brilliant. I raced through the first time and went back to savour them again.

Will Patton's performances were excellent. His interpretation of the stories were spot on, upping the creepy factor with every tale. 

20 hours and 21 minutes.