Recently, we perused Forest Life and Woodland Creatures from DK Canada before starting off on one of those walks.
The cover is inviting for little ones with lots of colours and pictures. Little Guy always likes to guess what's inside a book by looking at the cover.
The first few pages played right into our walk - the two main types of trees, who might live in trees, new seedlings just poking through, what animals might eat, insects, bugs and more.We were able to identify many of these on our stroll. And here's something Gramma didn't know! A squirrel's nest is called a drey.
There are nature crafts interspersed throughout the book. Leafy bugs using modeling clay and found nature pieces. Making a 'nest' with a paper plate and found nature material. An owl using pine cones and a few more. A recipe for berry ice pops is one we'll try closer to summer.

As always with DK books, the colours are bright, the layout is good with facts concisely presented. Pictures accompany the facts, giving a small one a starting point for what is being discussed. I found the pages to be a little thicker than normal - a good idea for a children's book, especially for one that might be taken outside.
Forest Life is an great introductory STEM book for the 3-5 crowd. Have a look at the excerpt below. And check out the other titles in DK's 'Earth Love' list.
This looks like a perfect gift for children! I’m going to give a copy of this to my godchild. Thanks very much for posting this.
Cheers, Anne
Glad it appealed to you Anne - hope your godchild enjoys it!
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