I love to garden, but.....much as I would like to, there are some years I just can't plant a full veggie garden - we're either travelling or there's some renovation project that I know is going to demand a lot of time. But, I still would like to eat a sun warmed tomato or pick a pepper for supper.

Solution? Grow Vegetables in Pots!
I tried this in my younger years, living in an apartment with a tiny balcony. And now in my older years, I'm trying it on my back deck.
I'm going small this year with tomatoes, peppers and some herbs. But I am indeed inspired by Grow Vegetables in Pots. Why stop at the basic summer veggies? What about fruit? There's a wonderful hanging three tiered pot idea filled with strawberries that would be neat to try. Or just grow pole beans with a trellis like a large potted plant. And I quite intrigued by potatoes in a trash can!
Grow Vegetables covers choosing the right pots for your plants. (I will now be keeping my eyes out for old galvanized pails.....) If you're starting your own plants - seeds, soil and sowing times are covered as well. Even if you're taking the easier route (like me!) and using plants already started at a nursery, continued care is covered, such as fertilizing, pruning, pest control etc. There's a great appendix with colour photos detailing pests and disorders - and the solutions.
I'm a big fan of DK books because of those colour pictures, as I'm a visual learner. The layout of their books is always clear, concise and easy to follow along. Great reference!
And Canadian gardening aficionados - DK Canada has a great contest running until Aug 1/15. Win a DK Gardening Library worth $250.00! You can enter here.
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