Thursday, January 23, 2014

Perfect - Rachel Joyce - Review AND Giveaway

Rachel Joyce's debut novel The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry was an international bestseller. It was one of my top reads for 2012. (my review)

Her second novel is Perfect. (And it really is)

1972 England. Twelve year old Byron and his friend James are incredibly bright young men - their parents have earmarked them for great things and have set them on a path to their perfect destiny. But when James hears about two seconds being added to the global clock as a result of a leap year, he worries. And worries.

" Two seconds are huge. It's the difference between something happening and something not happening." Byron, his mother and younger sister are driving in the car when something does happen - something that changes everything in Byron and James's lives forever.

"It was all because of a small slip in time, the whole story. The repercussions were felt for years and years. Of the two boys, James and Byron, only one kept on course. Sometimes Byron gazed at the sky above the moor, pulsing so heavily with stars that the darkness seemed alive, and he would ache - ache for the removal of those two extra seconds. Ache for the sanctity of time as it should be."

Joyce cuts her narrative between 1972 and present day, where we meet Jim, wiping down tables in a supermarket cafĂ©.

"He has spent his adult life in and out of care. Years have passed, and some of them he can't even remember. After treatment he could lose whole days; time was merely a selection of unconnected empty spaces. Sometimes he had to ask the nurse what he had eaten that day and if he had been for a walk. When he complained about memory loss, the doctors told him it was his depression. The truth is, he found it easier to forget."

Oh, how do I even begin to describe how much I loved this book! I raced through the first few chapters, then forced myself to put it down - I didn't want it to end too quickly. I was inexorably drawn to the story of James and Byron, past and present. How was Joyce going to connect the two? What happened? What was going to happen? And I put the book down because I was afraid. Afraid of what would happen to Jim. His attempts to cope and his thoughts had me in tears. Jim captured me much as Harold did in Joyce's first book. And then, there's a small glimpse of what could be....if only....

The title figures into so much of the book. The boys are expected to be perfect, as are their parents, their lives, their surroundings et al. And when it breaks down, the drive to perfection still lurks, insidiously stealing from the lives of everyone.

I thought I had everything figured out going into the last pages of the book, but was pleasantly caught off guard by the ending that Joyce chose. Not what I saw coming at all.

Joyce's exploration of the human spirit is by turns heart breaking and life affirming. Perfect is an eye
opening testament to both the frailty and the resilience of the human spirit and the power of redemption.

Perfect was a five star read for me and will be one of my top reads for 2014. Absolutely, positively recommended. Read an excerpt of Perfect.

"Rachel Joyce is the author of the international bestseller The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. She is also the award-winning writer of more than twenty plays for BBC Radio 4. She started writing after a twenty-year acting career, in which she performed leading roles for the Royal Shakespeare
Company and won multiple awards. Rachel Joyce lives with her family on a Gloucestershire farm. " You can find Rachel Joyce on Facebook.

See what others on the TLC tour thought! Full schedule can be found here.

And, I have a copy to giveaway to one lucky reader! Simply leave a comment to be entered. Open to US only, no PO boxes please. Ends Feb 15/14.


bermudaonion said...

I love dual narratives. This book sounds amazing! No need to enter me.

Linda said...

What an unusual sounding novel. But, based on your personal recommendation, I'm adding it to my wish list. Thanks for the giveaway.

Susan O'Bryant said...

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry was a beautiful novel, and I can't imagine her next book could be any better... But according to all the reviews I've read so far, it must be just as good if not more. Thanks for the giveaway!

traveler said...

Thanks for this captivating giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Vee said...

It's on my list. If you recommend it this highly, I'm in.

petite said...

This novel interests me very much. Many thanks. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

Kirsten said...

I am really excited about this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

Graciegreen said...

I read Harold Fry and loved it. I will read this one upon your recommendation! Thanks for the giveaway.

Karen B said...

Both books are on my wish list. Thanks for a great review. Sounds fascinating!

Vee said...

Just to say that the book arrived today, hard cover no less, and in perfect condition. I can't wait to sit down to read. Thank you!