Resident teen blogger Ella stops by today to offer her thoughts on some recent reads!

"Not a YA series, but TOO FABULOUS not to mention. Patricia has me eating out of her hand at this point. If she writes it, I will read it. Fair Game does not disappoint!!!!! The ending was AMAZING. I have not shrieked that loudly at a surprise twist for many moons. It's the 3rd instalment in her Alpha and Omega series, which happens side-by-side her Mercy Thompson series (also amazing). Werewolves and kin are the main protagonists, but fae, vampires, witches, etc also feature. Too big a universe to go into more detail: suffice to say it's a staple of the urban fantasy genre for a reason. YA authors should take note of the graceful way Patricia Briggs writes excellent, believable romances for her characters without stooping to overly angsty, drawn-out love triangles. Monogamy is okay, guys! Just because it worked for Stephenie Meyer does not mean One True Love is out." Read an excerpt of Fair Game.

"To be honest, I pretty much skipped the middle of this book. I wasn't overly attached to this series for the first 3, so my attempt for number 4 was half-hearted. Spoilers for the first 3: Megan Chase, Prince Ash's true love, has become the Queen of the Iron Kingdom, restoring the balance of the fairy world. Iron is deadly to all fairies, though, which throws a wrench in their happy ending (Ash is a fairy). Basically, this is the story of Ash's quest to find a way to be with Megan.
If you were a fan of The Iron King, The Iron Daughter and The Iron Queen, then you'll probably really like it. I'm actually okay with Ultimate Noble Sacrifice endings, as Julie calls them in the Q&A, so I was satisfied with the ending in The Iron Queen. I just couldn't really care about Ash's quest. Most of the same characters were in it, so it felt kind of overdone. On the plus side, my copy had a sneak peek to her next series in it, Blood of Eden, which is apparently coming out April 24th: looks like evil vampires, nice and gory. Yay vampire apocalypse!" Read an excerpt of The Iron Knight.
As always Ella, thank you - your reviews are always entertaining!
I don't think Fair Game is my kind of book but your enthusiasm for Briggs' work makes me want to give it a try.
Don't you love Ella's enthusiasm!
I can never get enough of fae books myself and am going to go to goodreads and amazon to wishlist
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