Sunday, August 29, 2010

Giveaway - Eating Animals - Jonathan Safran Foer

Thanks to the generosity of The Hachette Book Group, I have three copies of Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer to giveaway.

What's it about?

From the publisher:

"Like many young Americans, Jonathan Safran Foer spent much of his teenage and college years oscillating between enthusiastic carnivore and occasional vegetarian. As he became a husband, and then a father, the moral dimensions of eating became increasingly important to him. Faced with the prospect of being unable to explain why we eat some animals and not others, Foer set out to explore the origins of many eating traditions and the fictions involved with creating them."
Traveling to the darkest corners of our dining habits, Foer raises the unspoken question behind every fish we eat, every chicken we fry, and every burger we grill. Part memoir and part investigative report, Eating Animals is a book that, in the words of the Los Angeles Times, places Jonathan Safran Foer "at the table with our greatest philosophers."

Check out the Eating Animals Facebook Page.  And

Read an excerpt of Eating Animals.
Simply comment to be entered. Open to US and Canada, no po boxes please. Ends Sunday Sept 19 at 6 pm EST.


Anonymous said...

I would love to read Eating Animals :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Linda Henderson said...

I'm not much of a meat-eater, so I'd love to read this book.

seriousreader at live dot com

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

I have heard very interesting things about this book that it makes me want to read it but at the same time makes me know I will be uncomfotable and want to puke while reading it!

pinkflipflops44 at gmail dot com

debbie said...

When I was growing up, my grandparents had a large chicken farm. I am quite aware as to how our meat and poultry are raised. Everyone should know about how all their food is grown. I would love to read this book.

Anonymous said...

This sounds very interesting. I have often wondered about vegatarism.

ikkinlala said...

From what I've heard about this book I expect I'll disagree with some of its conclusions (we raise our own meat), but I'd be interested in reading it.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Taffy said...

Interesting book!


Miss Lissy said...

I think this would be a fascinating book to read.

A Musing Mother said...

I'd like to throw my hat in the ring. I gave up cow and sheep years ago when I left the family farm. We didn't have chickens so I'm still eating those on occasion. Let's cure me!

ntaylor228 at yahoo dot com

bermudaonion said...

Please enter me! milou2ster(at)

Amber said...

I can totally identify with Jonathan and would love to read his book!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Mary B. said...

I live in the area where 100 Mile Challenge was this book would be a great read, to follow up. Thanks for offer.

Harvee44 said...

Sign me up to win this book.

harvee44 at

Ladytink_534 said...

I almost skipped this giveaway but it actually sounds neat. Knowing me it will put me off eating meat altogether instead of just chicken and very occasionally beef though.


Kerry said...

Enter me please! Thank you!

ofabookworm AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

My 20yr. old son is a vegetarian so I think he would enjoy reading this book.

Kaydee said...

I would find this book very interesting

krstrpp said...

Thanks for the chance to win the book. I've heard a bit about it before and it sounds quite interesting. (krstrpp at hotmail dot com)

Christina G said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Mozi Esme said...

Count me in!

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Nelsby said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway -- I have read some really good reviews for this book!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

M. said...

Hmm. Sounds really interesting, but I'm almost a little bit afraid the author's thoughts might result in very uncomfortable eating after one reads the book! But better to be more than less informed, I think.
mayamissani AT yahoo DOT ca

Alicia said...

I wouldn't say I am a vegetarian,but, I rarely eat meat.

twinmomoftwins said...

Interesting premise for a book should be an interesting read.

sweetsue said...

I am an occasional meat eater,and would like to quit entirely. This book sounds right up my alley.
smchester at gmail dot com

Lisanne624 said...

I'm interested in animial rights and alternative diets, so I'd love to read this one!

lahlstedt (at) gmail (dot) com

Zoë said...

ohh I really really want to read this, so fantastic that you are holding a giveaway!


rhapsodyinbooks said...

Please enter me!

nbmars AT yahoo DOT com

JackieW said...

I'd like to read this book. Enter me please.

Kulot said...

Oh, I love Jonathan Safran Foer! Enter me :D


Unknown said...

He's an interesting writer and thinker- love to read it.

Jon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon said...

I would love to read this book as would a vegetarian in the house. Thanks for the contest.

Denise S. said...

This would be very interesting to me, thanks.

remarker/fcffollower said...

I'd like to win this for my daughter.

Lala77 said...

I would like to read this book. I was a vegetarian for years, however, I was unhealthy not that all vegetarians are but I was...I was young and replaced the meat group with the junkfood group. So, I do like to read other perspectives on eating meat both pro and con.

Anonymous said...

Not much of a meat eater, sounds interesting
Diane Baum

Sarah said...

Sounds like a good read!

ky2here said...

Oh boy - I guess I'll go back to vegetarianism after reading this. Probably for the best.

ky2here at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

I recently saw the film "Everything Is Illuminated"!

tallcapp said...

I would love to read this new book (which is quite different) from his other books that I have read.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway

Courtney said...

I would love to win this book, I saw him discuss it on Ellen and Eating Animals sounds very interesting.

Amber said...

Sounds like an interesting book! It can be hard to explain to kids why. I think this would be an enjoyable book :)

SalanderServant said...

This sounds eye opening, thanks for the chance at it!

Anonymous said...

interesting to read ty.

Dawn Reid said...

I think this would be a fascinating book.

susan1215 said...

Sounds like an interesting book

s2s2 at comcast dot net

liliesrnice said...

i'd love to read this! liliesrnice at gmail dot com

ShesAnAngel said...

This looks like a book I need to read but I am not sure about crying too much! I have wanted to be a vegetarian for many years now, maybe this will seal the deal!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a very interesting book. I would love to read it.

dvice12 said...

This sounds like an enlightening book

Sand said...

I've heard great things about this book and would love to read it!

07violet said...

I'd like to read this

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Roseann K. said...

I'd love to read this. Thanks!

Jlefkovenj said...

I would love to read Eating Animals!