Monday, May 3, 2010

Giveaway - The Host - Stephenie Meyer

Okay, Stephanie Meyer is definitely a household name. We're all familiar with the Twilight series, but did you know that The Host is her first adult novel? It would make an interesting selection for a book club - and the reading group guide will be included in this new trade edition.

From the publisher:

"Now available in the trade paperback edition: New Bonus Chapter and Reading Group Guide, including Stephenie Meyer's Annotated Playlist for the book.

Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of human hosts while leaving their bodies intact. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, didn't expect to find its former tenant refusing to relinquish possession of her mind.

As Melanie fills Wanderer's thoughts with visions of Jared, a human who still lives in hiding, Wanderer begins to yearn for a man she's never met. Reluctant allies, Wanderer and Melanie set off to search for the man they both love.

Featuring one of the most unusual love triangles in literature, THE HOST is a riveting and unforgettable novel about the persistence of love and the essence of what it means to be human."

Get a head start - read an excerpt of The Host. And here's a sneak peek at the new bonus chapter!

THE HOST debuted at #1 on The New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list and remained there for more than a year. Meyer’s first adult novel was not only a huge commercial success with more than 2 million copies sold, it also brought a whole new audience of readers to Stephenie Meyer. Featuring one of the most unusual love triangles in literature, THE HOST, appeals to rabid Twilight Saga fans and readers of classic literary suspense alike.

Movie rights to THE HOST have been optioned by Nick Wechsler and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz, the team that produced the film of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. Andrew Niccol of Gattaca and The Truman Show will write the script and direct.

Thanks to the generosity of The Hachette Book Group, I have three copies of The Host to giveaway. Open to both the US and Canada, no po boxes please. To be entered - have you seen any of the Twilithg movies or read any/all of the books? Ends Saturday May 29th at 6pm EST.


Mystica said...

Have read just one of the books only.


Sophia said...

I have read the entire series, like, three time, I loved it so, so, so much! I saw Twilight twice (even though I hated it) and New Moon once (that one was much better). The movies are suck-ish. but the books are incredible! Anything Stephenie Meyer writes is sure to be great!


Linda said...

Although I haven't read any of the Twilight books, I've heard all about them from my granddaughters. I would love to win The Host for them.
Thanks for the givaway

Anonymous said...

I have read all the twilight books and i have seen the movies although the books were better i thought esp the ones in the begining.

Beth said...

I haven't done either the movies or books, but the movies are in my Netflix queue.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Gina (Prim and Polished) said...

Didn't love the Twilight series s much as everyone else did but would love to read this.

Kaydee said...

Saw the Twilight Movie but haven't read the books yet

Sue said...

I read all of the books. I liked the first one. :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I read about 20 pages of Twilight before deleting it off my e-reader. So... no need to enter me for this one (I have a PO Box, anyway).

I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail, darling. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.

chey said...

I've read and enjoyed all the books!

chey127 at hotmail dot com

Elisabeth Marie said...

I didn't know there was going to be a new bonus chapter!!

My review on this book is here:

Sandy Jay said...

I haven't seen the movie or read any of the books but they are on my TBR list.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have not read any books in this series but I would like to start with this one!

Cindy W. said...

I haven't had the opportunity to see any of the movies or read the books yet.

Cindy W.


Martha Lawson said...

I haven't read any of t hese books or so any of the movies. I really think I'd love the Host, since it deals with aliens!! Please count me in.

I follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Jonnie (JB) said...

I've watched both movies but haven't read the books


Kelsey said...

I've seen both movies and read the books. I'm not all hyped up about the Twilight books, although I loved them. I think I enjoyed The Host even better than Twilight because it was much more mature.

I would love a copy of The Host for my bookshelf and to read again and again.

Thanks for the giveaway!
krae991 at yahoo dot com

thaeter7 said...

I loved her "Twilight books.

Katrina said...

I have not but as soon as I finish reading the book I am one I hope to read them! I did see the first movie...great!

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Dawn M. said...

I've read all of the books and watched both movies. Loved the books. The movies are getting better.

I've read The Host, too. It was really good. I'm hoping she writes a sequel. :0)

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Fokxxy said...

I have only seen the first twilight movie and I would love to read the books.

Would love to be entered.


Anonymous said...

glad to see she's done more than the twilight series!

debbie said...

I saw the first twilight movie, but I haven't read the books yet.

Mary said...

I've read all the books. (Was totally disappointed in Breaking Dawn) and I have seen both the movies.


Mysharona said...

I have not seen or read the books.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the books, nor have I seen the movies.


Valerie Gingrey said...

I have read all of the books multiple times and have seen both of the movies. I think the books are much better, but the movies aren't terrible. I really want to read The Host.

linett said...

saw the Twilight movie, loved it and can't wait to see New Moon

mverno said...

i watched the movie

Susan said...

I've read all the Twilight books and saw the first movie only.
mama2rob at yahoo dot com

Tonya Dean said...

Seen them and read all of them and I'm excited about the new movie coming out in June or July.


GALENA said...


Terri L said...

I have read three of the books and will be reading the fourth as soon as I finish my current book. I have also seen both movies. I definitely like the books better than the movies.


littlelatina said...

This is the one i have not read yet

Mozi Esme said...

I'd like to read this.

Janemaritz at yahoo dot com

409cope said...

I have not read any of the books or seen the movies yet.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

jappleseed said...

saw twilight and hated it, but then i saw new moon and went back and watched twilight again, and i will admit it i actually like the films now

Brent said...

I haven't read any of the twilight series, but my wife has read them all.

mmentor said...

sign me up

Tarah said...

I read all the books, saw the first movie and thought it was horrible. They did a better job with the second one thankfully.


christa @ mental foodie said...

I have only read Twilight and thought it was okay. Recently read that The Host is much different and better - so would be interesting to see if I'd like it better!

cytljjb @ gmail . com

Alicia said...

I have not seen or read ANY of them.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

katzkids by Kathy D. said...

I have read all of the books and saw the first movie.
Thanks for the giveaway:)

Chrystal said...

I've read Twilight and have seen the movie.

Nicole C. said...

I have seen and read Twilight.


Smooshy said...

i've read the series and seen the movies!

ChristyJan said...

I've enjoyed all of Stephenie's TWILIGHT series books and would love to read this one too ~ please enter me


sweetsue said...

No, I haven't read the books or seen the movies, but I plan to this summer.
smchester at gmail dot com

AlyxandSimon said...

Thanks for the contest. Yes, I've read 'Twilight' and I've seen the film.

alyxandsimon at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I've seen both of the Twilight movies and I'm looking forward to more -- I haven't read the books (yet) :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

clynsg said...

Haven't read or seen any of the books/movies. But I do have the second book in my TBR pile (need to get the first one before I start on it of course) and Twilight is on my DVR, but just haven't gotten to it yet.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Terri Dell said...

I saw the movie and I liked it but haven't read any of the books yet.

PatZ said...

Saw the movie Twilight but never read the books. This book sounds better.

Unknown said...

I have not been tempted to read the Twilight series but somehow this book of Stephanie sounds very interesting...Please enter me in the giveaway.



Anonymous said...

I have heard so much about her books, but I haven't read one yet. I'd like to read this. Please enter me in the giveaway.


Alexandra said...

I`ve only read the first book and I would love to read this one too!!

JACLYN said...

Read all the books a few months ago and LOVED them, especially Twilight and Eclipse. Loved the movies too!

Jenn S. said...

I have read all the books and have seen the first movie. I liked them ok. The Host has been on my to read list for awhile.

Brenda said...

I havent read any of the books!!

Nickolay said...

I just started watching the movies and I am hooked!


Hotsnotty2 said...

I've read the first two book, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I recent.y finished Breaking Dawn. What a great series. I can't wait to read The Host. Thanks.


Melissa B. said...

I saw the first movie. Apparently, it's not nearly as good as the book. Or, so my daughter says.

Unknown said...

I've seen the movies several times and I've been interested in reading the Twilight Books but have not done so yet. Everyone tells me they are amazing.

Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Cheryl (Tx_Sweetie) said...

I have seen the first 2 movies and read the first 2 books.

Christina said...

Christina - - I've seen Twilight and New Moon, the movies, but haven't read the books - hope to do so in the future!

MOL said...

I only watched the 2 movies that's out right now.

Breanne said...

I've read all the books and saw both the movies

Phil said...

sign me up, I'll read the book, in my spare time of doing band related summer time blues, thanks

Helen G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helen G said...

I'd like to get this for my daughter. She's read all the Twilight books and seen both movies. She has posters and jewelry of both. This would make a nice birthday present for her next month.

onedayitwillbealright @ gmail dot com

k-team said...

I enjoyed the movies but didn't want to invest in the books. I've heard great things about The Host and I'd love to read it, thanks!

LAMusing said...

I have not read any of the books (but I'd like to!) and I have onloy seen the first Twilight movie - which I enjoyed more than I expected to.


Anonymous said...

I've read all the books, which I loved. I've also seen both movies, (which were only okay :) to me)!

fineinsanity at live dot com

Wendi P said...

I have not read the books nor seen the Twilight movies. I feel so alone ;-)

parodi821 at yahoo dot com

cpullum said...

No but my daughter is totally into it! She has seen the movie and read the books!

ryanmcgriff said...

So far I have only had access to the first book and the first movie

Anonymous said...

I have read the book series, but I've only seen the first movie. Very entertaining. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

The Twlight books I've read are great.
diane baum

momof5girls said...

The Twilight movie was AWFUL. New Moon was a little better. I'm not sure how long it will take me to see Eclipse. I have read the entire Twilight series several times and love it, but The Host is my absolute favorite of her books. I already own a dog-eared copy, but I'd love to win this one for my sister who is also a huge fan.

lilyk said...

I haven't seen any of the movies or read any of the books.

susan1215 said...

I have read the book but haven't seen the movie

demmi said...

No I have not read the books and I have not seen the movies

ShyMommy said...

I have read all four books and I own and have seen Twilight and New Moon on dvd.

07violet said...

I've seen the first movie

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

Kathy P said...

i loved the first twilight movie but i didnt care for the second one..i havent read the books

Crystal F said...

I've read all the books and watched the first movie. We've bought the second one but I haven't watched it yet. Thank you!

/\Heather/\ said...

I've read all the books and watched both movies. Is it wrong that I love watching Jacob? omg!

Betty C said...

I've seen Twilight but wasn't particularly impressed with the way they produced the movie. Books are always much better.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any of the movies or read any of the books.

Unknown said...

I have read three of the books and seen the first movie. They're great!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I saw the first movie and liked itvery much. Have not read the books yet.

ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Bakersdozen said...

I am interested in reading this because I know it will be a movie and I want to read the book first. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kelly g said...

I've never seen the movies or read the books.

dvice12 said...

I haven't seen the movies or read the books

susansmoaks said...

i have not seen the movies or read the books, i'm running behind on those!
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Jenn@Sweet T Makes Three said...

All the books and all the movies that are out so far! :)

Jonathan said...

I've seen both Twilight and New Moon, and I'll be seeing Eclipse after it comes out.

jonkolmorgan at yahoo dot com

Carole Spring said...

I have read all the Twilight books. The might have been written for the teen group, but we older folk liked them too :-) I actually read the complete series 3 times because I enjoyed it so much! Then I couldn't wait for Twilight the was a disappointment.

I would love to win The Host! Thank you for the giveaway.


Carole Spring said...

Sorry, I just re-read the instructions and saw that this contest has ended. I didn't mean to post on a contest that was over.