Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wordhunter - Stella Sands

Wordhunter is the latest book from Stella Sands.

I picked it up as the premise caught my eye. The lead character is Maggie and she is studying to qualify as a forensic Linguist. When the police ask for her help she is thrilled. I did find the 'how to' of this field really interesting. I can see how this could be used as a tool in so many ways.

I wasn't as enamored of Maggie. She's loud, abrasive, she has issues with pills and alcohol and more. I felt like I should be behind her as she's had a hard life in many ways. Losing her best friend was one of those hard ways. Her dialogue and pushy ways annoyed me. As did using that 'c*** word in the first few pages.

Maggie ends up working a second case with the police and is paired up with a Detective. Cue up the fractious relationship. Throw in another crime, no, make that two at least. Maybe three. Perhaps too many threads. 

There is a crack in the door for a follow up to this book. I have to be honest and say that I won't be looking for it. But, see for yourself - read an excerpt of Wordhunter. I also encourage you to check out the other reviews for this book on Goodreads.

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