Monday, August 7, 2023

The Déjà Glitch - Holly James

Well, the title and the cover of Holly James' new novel, The Déjà Glitch, give you a pretty good idea what will be found inside.

And if you still need a clue - I think this blurb from the publisher says it all.

"To break out of a 24-hour time loop, all Jack needs is for Gemma to fall in love with him in a single day. All Gemma needs is to remember him first . . ." 

This isn't a new premise, but James puts her own delightful spin on things. 

Gemma is a great lead character - one you'll immediately like. She's real and you want her to find happiness. And what about the the sidekick/bestie? That would be Lila. She's loud, outgoing and wants only the best for Gemma. Now what about Jack? Oh, he's a keeper! 

The fun is in trying to convince Gemma that she is reliving the same day over and over again. What will change the outcome? I'm going to let you discover that!

James has penned a lovely rom com read. But she also touches on some other relationships - notably family - and exes. 

And yes, this is one of those books where you can predict the ending. But it's the journey there that you'll enjoy. I do feel the ending could be shortened up a bit. But overall, this was the perfect book to tuck into my beach bag. See for yourself - read an excerpt of  The Déjà Glitch.

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