Monday, August 28, 2023

Learned by Heart - Emma Donoghue

Emma Donoghue is such a brilliant author. I've read all of her titles and have enjoyed them all. I picked up Learned by Heart without even looking at the fly leaf.

Donoghue's new title is based on actual historical figures, times and places. Learned by Heart is set in 1805 York (England) at a girls boarding school. When they meet, Eliza and Anne are fourteen years old and sharing a small room under the eaves. 

The setting is so very detailed. The details of the lessons, learning, the girls, their teachers, where the goal is to be a wife and more. There are many supporting players, who express many of the thoughts of the times on many topics. 

Learned by Heart is a coming of age story, a time for exploration of one's self, of love and trying to find  where you fit. But love is at the heart of the book. I'll let you discover the plot for yourself. 

It was not until I read the author's notes at the end of the book, that I realized the inspiration for the book was indeed fact based. Donoghue has taken some literary license and introduced some conjuncture to tell her tale. I encourage you to take the time to read the author's notes as they're absolutely fascinating. And the research is so detailed. 

Learned by Heart is the perfect title, as it be can used in more than one way in the book. See for yourself - read an excerpt of Learned by Heart. 


Ethan said...

Like you, I think I've read every title she's written. I always appreciate the way each book is so unique. My ARC of this one just arrived last week, so I hope to dive into it soon!

Luanne said...

She is such a gifted author. I hope you enjoy this latest one Ethan.