Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Whispers - Ashley Audrain

Ashley Audrain's debut novel - The Push - was a bestseller. Her new novel - The Whispers - is guaranteed to be one as well. 

Audrain again turns a keen eye on motherhood and marriage - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Whispers takes place in a suburb with a focus on four couples, specifically the mothers, the mothers to be, the mothers that were. The husbands come under close scrutiny as well.

A mother's behaviour opens the book with a bang. From that pivotal moment, the timeline moves from then to now, with more and more of the truth and the hidden being exposed and revealed.

The women all have an idea of what is happening and what did happen. But their own beliefs, opinions and history colours their perception. Audrain keeps the reader on their toes, changing the narrative and conceived notions as we head to the final pages. I had my own opinions and judgements. But were they 
coloured by my own experiences? 

Audrain's characters are so very well drawn. You'll find a favourite, and one to hate, but no one is perfect. Her suburban setting is just as spot on.

The book is so very hard to read at times, and I'd have to walk away and take a break. (There's a couple of cliffhangers that will have you shouting out loud) Other times, I couldn't put the book down. There as so many great lines in The Whispers, but nothing beats that last sentence. 

Just wow - another fantastic book from Audrain. And I think this one's even better than The Push.

"But more than any proof she has, is a feeling. She'd once heard them described as the whispers - the moments that are trying to tell you that something isn't right here.

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