Wendy Gould makes a mistake one evening - with results that she cannot even begin to imagine. Sitting in a hotel bar one night, she makes a fateful decision to go upstairs with a man she's just met. She come to her senses and decides to leave......and that's when armed men enter the room. And shoot the man. Wendy's an ex-cop and her old training kicks in. One of the intruders isnt' leaving. She goes home to her husband and confesses. But things spiral out of control when Wendy is painted as the bad guy, not a witness and suddenly the agencies that should be protecting her are now hunting her.
Lauritzia Velez is a much loved nanny. But when she and her charges barely escape death at a local mall, she knows she has to leave. For Lauritzia know the shooters were after her.....
Two women on the run. And their paths will cross. How could their stories be connected?
This is the kind of story I love - innocent person in the wrong place at the wrong time, now forced to rely on their own set of survival skills to come out the other side. Andrew Gross has mixed it up this time by going with female protagonists - a welcome change. Interestingly, Gross based Lauritzia's storyline on an actual event - the case of Edmond Demiraj.
Gross has again written a book chock full of cliffhangers, twists, turns and non stop action. Suspend disbelief and enjoy. This one is perfect escapist reading, ready to be tucked into the summer beach bag. Read an excerpt of No Way Back.
The reader for the audio version was Lorelei King. She was an excellent choice - her voice was hugely expressive and captured the tone of the book easily. Listen to an excerpt of No Way Back.
Fans of James Patterson will already know Andrew Gross's name - they have co authored six bestsellers together. You can find Andrew Gross on Facebook.
I've got a couple of Gross' books sitting here that I need to pick up!
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