What's it about? From the publisher, Viking Books:
"In the tradition of Kate Mosse, a swiftly-paced mystery that stretches from modern London to Tudor England.
In modern-day London, architectural historian and recovering alcoholic Annie Kendall hopes to turn her life around and restart her career by locating several long-missing pieces of ancient Judaica. Geoff Harris, an investigative reporter, is soon drawn into her quest, both by romantic interest and suspicions about the head of the Shalom Foundation, the organization sponsoring her work. He’s also a dead ringer for the ghost of a monk Annie believes she has seen at the flat she is subletting in Bristol House.

This riveting dual-period narrative seamlessly blends a haunting supernatural thriller with vivid historical fiction. Beverly Swerling, widely acclaimed for her City of Dreams series, delivers a bewitching and epic story of a historian and a monk, half a millennium apart, whose destinies are on a collision course."
Sound good to you? Simply leave a comment to be entered! Open to US only, no PO boxes please. Ends April 9/13.
I read and loved Beverly Swerling's "City of..." novels about NYC, and have been anxious to read this novel ever since I heard about it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sounds very interesting!
This novel sounds captivating and wonderful. thanks for this great giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
Sounds like an interesting read.
sgiden at verizon.net
What a fascinating book. Love to read it. Many thanks. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com
I enjoy mysteries and think this one would be interesting since it covers 2 time periods.
I'm very excited about this new book. The synopsis makes it sound spooky and totally engrossing. Please enter my name in the draw. Thanks!
Huge Beverly Swerling fan would love to read this book.lomazowr@gmail.com
A new-to-me author with favorite setting and era in Bristol House. Thanks.
This sounds intriguing! Count me in for a chance to win.
I really enjoy these types of stories and it looks like a good one.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Sounds like a very interesting book. I love mysteries and the fact that this one has a ghost makes it that much better. Please enter me. Thanks!
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