Friday, November 27, 2009

One Hundred Butterflies - Harold Feinstein

I've been reviewing photography and coffee table books this month and they've all been amazing, but I really have to say, One Hundred Butterflies is simply and absolutely stunning.

This simple thumbnail doesn't even begin to do justice to Harold Feinstein's photography.

Once I actually got past the cover, I had to stop and linger on the flyleafs. There are at least 40 colour images presented here as well.

Moths and butterflies have evolved to survive. Their wings sometimes mimic owl eyes, some colours are interpreted as poisonous by predators, sometimes they blend in with the leaves on the trees. Fred Gagnon provides an excellent forward about moths and butterflies at the beginning of the book. There are quotes and an 1800's essay included as well.

Each species is photographed with a black background. The colours and patterns are just magnificent. Nature is truly the greatest artist. The pictures are close ups, so that you can see the finest details. Each species is named, with it's Latin name and country of origin as well.

There really are not words to describe the beauty. Each plate is a work of art on it's own. (I briefly thought that each piece would be a wonderful framed picture, but wouldn't want to desecrate the book) The book is oversized, the stock heavy and glossy. A book to be savoured and enjoyed.

A truly remarkable book, one that nature or art lovers would appreciate.


bermudaonion said...

I thought this book was gorgeous too! It made me want to observe these magnificent insects in their natural habitats. Great review.

Anonymous said...

It is gorgeous, isn't it. I half want to cut pages out to frame, but then I'd be destroying the book.