Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Perfect Home - Daniel Kenitz

The Perfect Home is Daniel Kenitz's newly released novel.

Okay, hands up if you've ever got lost in the 'house' channels. You know, flipping, restoring, decorating and so much more. (I have!)

The Perfect Home is one of those shows. Married couple Wyatt and  Dawn Decker are the perfect hosts. Their show is doing well, but how can they make it better? Wyatt has some suggestions....

And I'm going to leave things there for you to discover what's next. I have to admit it's a darker plot I had imagined. And, that was a good thing.

Kitzen allows each lead to tell their take on what is happening. The narrative switches back and forth between husband and wife. This style of story telling always keeps me reading 'just one more chapter'. There were some really tense sections that I hadn't imagined when I started the book. The author did a great job of keeping the tension and action rising to the final pages. I wonder about the behind the scenes - I'm sure they're not too far from reality. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Perfect Home.


Mystica said...


Kay said...

I do like those home improvement shows some. I get easily tired of them though. This book sounds interesting. Not sure I've seen one using the 'home improvement' theme.

Luanne said...

It was good Mystica!