Killian is an ex-con and hard core fighter. After a tumultuous reentry into society in the last book, she's taken a job with a 'security' company. The jobs are dangerous and more than a little left of the right side. If there are vulnerable women to be rescued, Killy's the one to do it. She has her own unwavering sense of justice.
"Violence was something she was good at, and violence was pretty much the only thing the people she was sent after understood. "
This time, the job is to rescue two sisters, reportedly living in a commune. Seems like a straight forward job. Not so much....
Killy infiltrates the group, but finds more than she bargained for - including some faces from the past. And some new faces with their own agenda. The reader is privy to more information that Killian has. We can see the danger, but can't warn her. (I must admit, I took a little peek ahead to see if she figures it out!)
Those familiar faces include the enigmatic Story, another employee of The Initiative. As well as Dash, her boyfriend. I really like these two. Killian's sister and her family are Killy's weakness - their safety is everything to her. Her niece Shannon does grate on me though.
Killian is such a great kick butt female lead. The reader can't help but be on her side as she battles seemingly overwhelming odds. Kessler continues to build this character, with more insight into her psyche.
But what drives this series (aside from Killian) is the danger, the action and the darkness of Killy's world. Truly, Call of Vultures reads like an action movie. Kessler provides quite a few turns in the plot that I didn't see coming (and neither does Killian) that kept me turning pages quickly! Killian's own moral compass never budges. The reader can't help but be on her side as she battles seemingly overwhelming odds.
Gentle readers, this one's probably not for you. Read an excerpt of Call of Vultures. And this reader is looking forward to the next entry!
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