Friday, January 29, 2010

Giveaway - I Am Ozzy - Ozzy Osbourne

Still alive and still rockin'.

"People ask me how come I'm still alive, and I don't know what to say. When I was growing up, if you'd have put me up against a wall with the other kids from my street and asked me which one of us was gonna make it to the age of sixty, which one of us would end up with five kids and four grandkids and houses in Buckinghamshire and Beverly Hills, I wouldn't have put money on me, no f**king way. But here I am: ready to tell my story, in my own words, for the first time."

"The final word in sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, I AM OZZY is the heavy metal pioneer's unbelievable story in his own words, for the very first time."

Want a chance to hear what Ozzy has to say? Courtesy of The Hachette Book Group I have 3 audio book copies of I Am Ozzy to giveaway.

Give yourself a sneak preview - listen to an excerpt of I Am Ozzy or read an excerpt of I Am Ozzy.

Open to both the US and Canada, no po boxes please. Ends Sat. Feb. 27 at 6 pm EST. Your entry? Leave a comment about Ozzy, Sharon, the kids, the show, Black Sabbath or anything related. ....Get on the Crazy Train....

Watch for my review next month.


tawndam said...

Ozzy is a rock icon! There is only one Ozzy and his music will live forever! Even my teen daughter will love this!

christa @ mental foodie said...

I never heard of Ozzy until I met my husband... and I'm glad :)

thanks for the giveaway!

cytljjb @ gmail . com

scottsgal said...

Sharon is so strong to put up with the years he put her through. He was a wild man in concert years ago
msboatgal at

Anna said...

Awesome! The Girl and I love to rock out to Iron Man and Crazy Train. (I hope that doesn't reflect poorly on my parenting LOL) I grew up listening to his music in the 80s.

Diary of an Eccentric
diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

Tracey said...

I like the Osbourne clan so much that I own all the episodes of The Osbourne Show on DVD.

Anonymous said...

I loveeeeee Ozzy and grew up with listening to his music! Would love this gift.

Mary said...

I can think of nothing better than listening to Ozzy tell us his story.


Nicole C. said...

I love Ozzy and would love to listen to this audio book!!


fredamans said...

Funniest thing I can tell ya'll is about my 14 year old nephew. He is a HUGE Black Sabbath fan. Funny thing is, he wasn't even sperm when they were making music.

I love Sabbath, Ozzy or Dio. Love Ozzy solo, and the family is interesting enough too. Sharon is a riot, Kelly is blunt,k and Jack is odd. Good combo right?!


Mysharona said...

this would be awesome.

mverno said...

i'm surprized ozzy or my husband made it this far love to give this a listen

Terchil said...

I was a fan of their MTV show.

tradingaddress at gmail dot com

P.S.- I think 'fredamans' trashy comment should disqualify her.

Anonymous said...

I thought his daughter was great on Dancing With The Stars. Would love to win this book!

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

linett said...

Love love Ozzy, thanks

JACLYN said...

My husband has been a fan for years and would like this!!

Linda Henderson said...

This should be a very interesting book. He has lead such an colorful life.

Anonymous said...

I hope that i win this contest. I miss their shows on MTV.

David Johnson said...

This would be interesting, thanks for the chance.

abfantom said...

I'd like to win this audio book for my husband who is an Ozzy fan.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

409cope said...

In my teen years I spent many an hour listening to Black Sabbath. Love Ozzy! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Cappoman said...

Ozzy is a world treasure...Hope I win this.

Steph said...

I love, love, love Ozzy! I saw him back in 1986 when I was a kid and will never forget it. He was a huge part of my teen years and I cannot wait to learn more about him and his life. I find him fascinating.

"Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as foes. Maybe it's not too late...To learn how to love and forget how to hate..." - Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne

Sunnyvale said...

This should be interesting

Deborah Wellenstein said...

Ozzy is so unique. My husband would really like this. We really liked their TV show.

Unknown said...

I think the Osbourne's Rock!! You know people think their disfunctional but let me tell you that family is there for each other and they truly love each other unconditionally we should all be so lucky.I would be lucky and hounered to read and win this book
calvert0 at telus dot net

Janice Golden said...

My hubby is a OZZY fanatic put me in
Jaleigh78 at aol dot com

Beth (BBRB) said...

I can't understand a single thing Ozzy says so I'm a Sharon fan. :)

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

sharon54220 said...

Memoirs are one of my favorite genres to read.

Ozzy is great,even though I have a hard time understanding him. I just love Sharon - she is a rock. And Kelly, I was very impressed with her on Dancing with the Stars. She is a lady. Jack, to be honest I dont know to much about him.

Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

This should be interesting

rugerpuppies @hotmail .com

Simply Stacie said...

Ozzy starred in the 80s horror flick- Trick Or Treat

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Martha Lawson said...

I've always loved Ozzie!!

I follow (new)

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Dawn M. said...

Kelly is by far my favorite Osbourne. I loved watching her on DWTS. She had such a great personality and really wanted to learn. So she got most of my votes. :0)

librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Ireally, really want to read this book should be interesting.

calvert0 at telus ddot net

Harry Barbee said...

Blizzard of Oz is still one of the top 5 albums ever made
Butchbarbee66 at aol dot com

Candie L said...

I cannot believe the evolution of Ozzy. Some older rockers are getting old and you can tell; he has been through heck and back and still going strong. We did think Sharon was the best on Charm School. THank you


Misusedinnocence said...

I always used to think Sharon was seriously classy until I heard her tearing apart Susan Boyle and calling her ugly and what not. Still, I like Ozzy and would love to win this.

The Brunette Librarian said...

I used to watch the Osborne's faithfully when they had their MTV show. :) Still smile when I think about how much they enjoy their dogs!

rachie2004 @ yahoo (d0t) com

Lyoness2009 said...

Would love to be counted in. Enjoy Ozzy and Sharon...Kelly and Jack are pretty wild, but I'm very interested in hearing Ozzy's story.

Count me in please!

lyoness2009 AT hot mail **dot** com

Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh I want to win! It amazes me how long Sharon and Ozzy have been together!

carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

BookHounds said...

He will be here in HB Wed. -- not sure if Ozzy will be "reading" anything.
Please enter me!
maryinhb at gmail

Kaydee said...

Love the Osbourne's--would be an interesting audio book to listen to.

Belinda M said...

I am addicted to the show!!! I would love to win this audio book


mrsshukra said...

Ozzy makes me smile every time I see him on TV. I watch Sharon on America's Got talent! Loved Kelly on Dancing with the Stars!


JoanneR said...

Have always been fascinated by this man! Thank you.

Unknown said...

Osbournes were on Ellen today promoting this book and I cannot wait to read it!!

calvert0 at telus dot net

Natalie W said...

Just watched the family on Ellen. Ozzy's hilarious! Can't figure out if he's on drugs or his brains gone from being on drugs LOL!
Great giveaway,

Becky said...

Ozzy is awesome! I mean who doesn't love him. Of course Kelly is my favorite and I adored her on DWTS.

Thanks for the giveaway.

dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com

Denny, Alaska said...

Ozzy is one funny dude! Thanks for entering my name in your giveaway.


Bcteagirl said...

What can you say about Ozzy that hasn't been said or wouldn't get filtered out by your profanity filter? ROck on!

thanks for the contest!

teagirl1 at telus dot net

Cody Hauri said...

Sweeeet. Ozzy is a god. I want this sooo much!

codyhauri @ gmail .com

Unknown said...

calvert0 at telus dot net

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued about Ozzy's craziness and would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

Dave said...

I have to admit, when I was younger, I was never a fan of Black Sabbath. It wasn't my kind of music. But now that I am older I find Ozzie and his impact on the music industry fascinating. This would be great to listen to. Thank you for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

calvert0 at telus dot net

Sandee61 said...

I'm a new follower! Enjoying your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway for Ozzy's audio book.
Thank you!



Reading said...

I loved Ozzy way before he was a reality TV star! I just dated myself!

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


Been watching the family interviews about the book can't wait to read it!

Denice P- doozercries said...

my first concert i went to was ozzy. it was his "no more tours tour". glad that didn't happen. one more thing to add. my hubby goes back in to glory day mode when he hears ozzy. keeps a man young.

spynaert said...

I first listened to Iron Man and War Pigs when I was about 10. It freaked me right out!

cqueen2 said...

i've always been a fan of the Ozzy!!

wadesherry@hotmail dot com

karryknisley76 said...

I love ozzy...See you on the Other side is one of my most played songs on my ipod
karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com

Darlene said...

Ozzy is a classic! Love him!

demmi said...

ozzy is one cool musician

Anonymous said...

I would love hear and learn more about Ozzy!!!

Stephanie Grant said...

What an awesome giveaway I love Ozzy he is a rock god! I am a huge fan and would love to have this book!!! Thanks for the chance

ky2here said...

Shay-run. I bit off me bat's 'ed. Have you sane it?

Shelli said...

We can all learn a lot from Ozzy, he is basically a very good person who just took a few wrong turns in life.

Michael Provost said...

I`ve been into Ozzy since I discovered Black Sabbath way back in 1977. Music would not have been the same without him!

friday2965 said...

Black Sabbath rules !

rubynreba said...

I watched Dancing with the Stars when his daughter was on there. He and Sharon both looked so proud of her.

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Sharon Osbourne fan. I've watched her on America's Got Talent and can't wait to see her on the new Celebrity Apprentice!

Unknown said...

It surprises me sometimes to see how, despite all his strange behavior, Ozzy seems amazingly grounded sometimes!


ineedabook at gmail dot com

kerri69 said...

His wife and family are really neat I love how his wife has stood by him all these years she is a strong and loving woman I also am a huge Ozzy fan he is the best

Misusedinnocence said...

I find the family just fascinating and would like to learn more about them.

Tammy said...

Interesting to say the least

LittleEagle said...

I enjoyed the reality show. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com

Shawn said...

Very interesting family. Would love to win this!


Tammy Pereira said...

I grew up listening to Black Sabbath and my kids and I loved their show on MTV. I would love to be chosen as the winner of this contest!

Dilem*mama said...

I miss the show! The newer reality TV isn't as good as Ozzy screaming for Sharon!
dilem.mama (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Unknown said...

When a 14-year-old kid says to his teacher "I have just got to read that!", then I know that I gotta get my hands on a copy somehow! This is one autobiography that will make the rounds of my students!
Sign me up for this contest.

packerfantimmy said...

This would be absolutely awesome to win! Ozzy is a Rock n Roll Icon in this house.

snytar said...

It was a great show.

Jlefkovenj said...

Ozzy is a rock icon!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ozzy is the greatest.

crystal said...

I have been a fan of Ozzy and Black Sabbath since i was a wee one;)


Lala77 said...

I've seen Ozzy in concert a few times and I've loved him each and every time.

Nickolay said...

Ozzy is my hero. I got to watch Black Sabbath a few years ago from back stage with some friends. it was awesome


Hotsnotty2 said...

I LOVE Ozzy, I would love to win this, thanks!

Daniel M said...

liked him in his sabbath years and he got ever better on his own, big fan (of his music) - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

erma said...

I love Ozzy and I loved the show.

lezanac said...

I would really like to win this for my husband He is a huge Ozzy fan

Happi Shopr said...

I LOVE Ozzy!!!! Would love to win for hubby. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Liz said...

My all time favorite Ozzy moment from the show is "Bubbles??? I'm the ****ing prince of darkness!! I don't want bubbles!"

I love the Osbournes!

ross_12 (at) cox (dot) net

Serena Hay said...

Love the way Ozzy talks - you can hardly understand him. Sharon sure keeps him in line though!

Anonymous said...

My brother still loves Black Sabbath!

theolotto said...

I enjoyed sharon's talk show.

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said...

My honey/hubby is a huge Ozzy fan and I know he'd love this prize. He's also gotten into audiobooks and wants/needs them more than ever now that he finally found a job - which requires a 3 hour per day commute. The Ozzy audiobook would make his day(s)!

rockymountain_brown said...

This would be cool!
I remember the very first episode of the osbournes that I watched.

Jinxy and Me said...

My husband loves Ozzy and his music. I find him amusing.

smilekisses said...

Black Sabbath reminds me of my {{{crazy}}} days!

lilyk said...

Sharon Osbourne's dog looks very cute!

Anonymous said...

Ozzie's story must be a rockin book. Forgive the pun.

Kathy P said...

i used to love watching their show on mtv they were pretty funny :)

DCMetroreader said...

Growing up all of the kids talked about Ozzy bit the head off a small animal (rat? ). I don't know if it was true or not, but he had quite the rep!


fancyfeet48 said...

I would love to win this thank you for the chance

john ferris said...

The kids will like this.
John Ferris

dvice12 said...

He's crazy but talented

Donna M. Clark said...

I love to listen to Ozzy! Thank you for having this giveaway.
litefoot873 (@)

Anonymous said...

I like Ozzy and his family. Saw him on a talk show a few weeks back and he was as funny as ever.

cman said...

I was a big listener as a teen :)

Sand said...

I'm really glad to hear that his kids have overcome their own battles with addiction.

Dawn Reid said...

I love Ozzy and would love to listen to this. Ozzy ROCKS!


Scott said...

I still remember going to my first Ozzy concert when I was 12 years old. Ahhh.... the good old days.