What you ask? Well, the main character is Camryn. She works as a high school guidance counsellor in the daytime. But on nights and weekends, she works on her novel until…she’s finally published. And the reviews look promising! Until they don't. Someone is working very hard to make sure she fails. The harassment starts with a bad rating and grows until…
I’m not going spoil it for you. I couldn’t believe how insidious it was. Anyone in Camryn’s circle could be the one. Ex-husband daughter, friends, coworkers, boyfriend, her work, her publishing house and more. Initially, I was behind Camryn. But some of her actions and words are self-serving. But on the flipside, Camryn’s dream is to become a noted author and how can you fault that.
I was really impressed with Harding’s writing and her plotting. I thought I had the culprit, but was proven wrong more than once. And as the book near the final chapters, the culprit was revealed, and I’m happy to say I couldn’t figure it out before the end!
Kudos to Robin Harding for another great suspense read. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Haters.
Luanne, I think yours is the first review I've read about this book. I had noted the name and wondered if it might be one I'd like. Kind of sounds like a 'mean girls' book - ha!
I really enjoyed her book The Drowning Woman, so I'm happy to hear this one is a hit. I'll need to add it to my TBR!
I don't know why I waited so long to read her!
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