Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cold as Hell -Kelley Armstrong

I aways get excited when I see that Kelley Armstrong has a new book out. Especially when it's a Haven's Rock novel! The third entry, Cold as Hell, has just arrived. And I feel like I’m settling down with old friends. What’s happening?!

Haven’s Rock is a hidden village up in the Yukon, for those who don’t want to live in a regular town…or can’t. 

 Armstrong has given her lead characters rich personal lives that are always moving forward. I am just as curious about their personal lives as I am in the newest mystery. Detective Casey and her husband Sheriff Dalton are the law in Haven's Rock. 

The book is told from Casey’s point of view. The reader is privy to her thoughts and investigative skills. There's been a horrific murder and it looks to be one of the residents that is the culprit. But who? Armstrong's mysteries are not easy to solve. And a blizzard is not going to make things any easier.

I find that some stories are even better in a audio format. That's the case for this title for me. The narrator was Thérèse Plummer and she did a great job. The voice matched the mental image I'd created for Casey. She has an interesting undertone to her voice that works. She's pleasant on the ears and enunciates well. Voices have been created for other characters including males that are believable and recognizable.  Plummer captured and presented the story very well!

10 hours and 6 minutes


Kay said...

I just got this book and I'm so, so looking forward to reading it. I love this series and the one before it!

Luanne said...

Me too! I finish them far to quickly!

Luanne said...

Me too! I finish them far too quickly!