Including Ravens - being toured today - you can see my review here.
"The Boatwrights just won 318 million dollars in the Georgia State lottery. It's going to be the worst day of their lives...'
The Juror
"Annie Laird is Juror 224. A sculptor with a career going nowhere. A single mother struggling to raise a son. A good citizen who has been summoned to what looks like a rountine tour of civic duty. But the trial she is called to serve on is no ordinary trial. It is a mob trial, whose outcome has been meticulously orchestrated by a man of insidious power and deadly precision. A man who lives by the teachings of Lao Tsu...whose magnetism is irresistible...whose mind is as brilliant as it is twisted. He is know to some as the Teacher, and he's set his sights on Annie Laird.... "
The Caveman's Valentine.
"Romulus Ledbetter wasn't always homeless. He once was a devoted husband, father, and musician with a bright future. He now forages for food in the trash cans of the city's better neighborhoods and wages a strenuous one-man war against Cornelius Gould Stuyvesant, an evil -- and imaginary -- power broker who is responsible for society's ills, as well as the sinister Y- and Z-rays that are corrupting humankind. Then one wintry night, Rom finds a corpse at the mouth of his cave that rouses his well-defined sense of ethics and launches him on an obsessive quest for answers. Forced to reconnect with society, Rom leaves his world and journeys through a spiraling web of clues and hunches, straight into a sinister den of money, temptation, and murder--otherwise known as the "civilized" world. "
Open to both US and Canada, no po boxes please. Leave a comment with the name of a species of bird and please make sure I have a way to contact you. Closes Saturday, Aug 22 at 6 pm EST. Good luck and check the sidebar for ongoing giveaways!
I'm intrigued... I always loved the Blue-front Amazons ;-) Parrots with Personality lol
The name of a bird? Well, a Scarlet Tanager flew smack into my kitchen window the other day. Luckily, it recovered!
I'd love to be entered. For a bird, I'll say cardinal. I have a pair of cardinals that sit outside my computer room window each day.
I had a pet budgie as a kid...
melacan at hotmail dto com
We had a pet crow when I was a kid. He could talk and would play outside with us all day then walk on my Dad's shoulder into the house and sleep in his cage at nite!!
At my Dad's funeral, a whole flock of crows came up as we were leaving the cemetery.
Definitely a robin. During a difficult time in my life I turned to prayer and asked for a sign that things would be ok and not hours later, a robin appeared on my window sill in the cold and middle of winter.
I wanted to say Raven since it's at the top of my totem, but it seemed to easy with one of the titles aptly named 'ravens'. So I'll say the Andean Condor, it's one of the heaviest birds of prey.
To be able to fly swift and sure despite it's weight is majestic.
Thanks for the opportunity. Indigo
I always loved Hummingbirds and thought they were so elegant and graceful.
Sounds wonderful - I love the black and orange colors of a Oriole
msboatgal at aol.com
Please enter me! thanks!
As for a bird - my fav is the Bald Eagle. I think they are the most beautiful!
Always been rather fond of Kildees, what my dad called "rather walk than fly birds". :o)
Thanks for offering such great give-aways. You can find me at yarnista at ymail dot com.
I'm lucky because I live right next door to the World Birding Center and we see birds here that you don't see anywhere else in the US. My favorite bird at the moment, this changes frequently, is the Kiskadee. Check out my blog for cool photos!
I have always loved the Eastern Blue Bird. Although there are not many here, but we do have Cardinals.
The owl - I always heard one during the nights of summer when I was young.
Doves are my favorite. Thanks for the great giveaway!
diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com
Diary of an Eccentric
My absolute favorite bird has always been the California Quail.
my favorite bird is the hummingbird, stunning colours
Hmmm....name of a bird....well we had a parrot whose name was Aga.....maybe Agatha?
shadowlord28 at gmail dot com
Bird name: Boeing.
He's an African Grey. Nice bird.
No need to enter me, babe. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for ya.
I am very interested.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Tufted Puffin. We got to see lots of them when we went to the aquarium a few weeks ago (they have an aviary).
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Cardinals are my favorite bird.......
Our state bird - the Loon.
The first thing that comes to mind is a buzzard because there was one in the yard this morning after the neighbor's cat killed a rabbit.
abfantom (at) yahoo (dot) com
My bird is the Northern Cardinal which is the state bird of NC and several sit in the tree outside the window for my home office.
This is a wonderful contest.
ruby throated hummingbird.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
pigeons, they fascinate me, honestly. the dove element and how you never see baby pigeons...ever...interesting stuff
The purple martin. We have two houses (apartments) that we put up every spring, around late March. When the scouts arrive I always feel that spring has sprung.
How about the Lyrebird. I love that it will mimic any sound it hears from other birds to a chainsaw, other animals etc. etc.
The males win the females by being able to mimic more sounds then the other males. Variety is the spice of life I guess.
There was a new visitor to our yard this year - the rufous-sided towhee, a very pretty and differently marked bird.
winterset at peoplepc.com
The name of a bird? Cockatiel's are real lovers, I have a Lutino, she's all white with bright orange cheeks. Adorable
Been watching a woodpecker in our tree today!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
Hummingbird. They look like fishing lures.
A mockingbird comes to mind first because I just finished reading To Kill A Mockingbird for about the hundredth time.
This looks interesting! Please enter me!
Doves are so pretty! I love their white feathers!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I own a female Timnah African Grey Parrot named Josie. I've had her for about 8 years now. She comes from NM and was bred by a lady that writes for Bird Talk Magazine. She has quite an extensive vocabulary, about 700 words, with the intelligence of a four year old child! I love her :)) Thanks for the great giveaway!
There are two species of woodpecker that visit our suet cakes. Thanks!
I saw a Hummingbird outside my window a few weeks ago. I was thrilled! Thanks for the giveaway.
I see little yellow carnaries daily, I am a follower, please count me in.
Cardinal :)
ktgonyea at gmail.com
i would have to say Cardinal.
I would love to add these books to my library.
Green cheek conure for me!
Thank you for allowing me the chance to win these books!
Seagull. I live near the beach and I see them all the time.
I like orioles.
I like chickadees, they are small and have interesting personalities, they often eat from our birdfeeder and I watch them, please count me in, thanks.
These look fantastic. Ok.. species of bird.. parakeet. I also own a budgie so I guess I can't leave him out. lol. And bluebirds are pretty. Please enter me in this great giveaway.
I love doves.They represent love and peace.
Red-winged blackbird.
Thanks for entering me.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I LOVED the movie version of Caveman's Valentine. This would be a great prize!
Bird Species? The Blue-footed Boobie! Sula nebouxii if you are technical.
tannytantan at hotmail
I have two pairs of robins in my tree outside my trailer where we camp all summer. My kids were thrilled to watch the chicks hatch and learn to fly. Thanks for the giveaway.
pigeons, they're everywhere in the city i work!
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Well, I would say the Cardinal because ever since I was a little girl, I sometimes make a wish when I see a Cardinal and try not to catch him flying away (old superstition I guess lol)
The Red-tailed Hawk is one of my favorites. They are beautiful!
smchester at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I'm going with peacock. We had one adopt us when I was a kid. He didn't like living with the neighbor up the road who raised them so he flew down to us. We called him Snoopy 'cause he always had to come and see what we were doing when we were outside. :0) He was a character and a lot of fun.
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Indigo buntings are beautiful. :)
I guess it would be the cardinal. Thank you so much.
A bird species is Bluebirds. Thanks for the giveaway!
I always liked the Zebra Finch.
I've always wanted a pet myna bird. Thank you.
Birds?? You are asking me, who lives beside a river full of ducks, about birds?? Well, I like the ducks that don't come in my yard or on my porch and leave behind presents for me to find or stand by my car waiting for food; but, I really like the roosting daddy ducks with little wee ducklings... now they are cute and are allowed in my yard... even among the flowers...
Hmmm I would say a bluejay
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
I like the Man O'War
lelou2 AT ymail DOT com
Bird = bluejay
Please enter my name in the giveaway. Three books as a prize - that's great. Many thanks for the contest.
Shawna Lewis
Thanks for the chance to win 3 books WOW!!!
I would say Ceder Waxwings
Each summer, we have a limited population of these sweet burrowing owls that nest along the edges of the fields outside of town. They are just too cute!
Nice to see these given away together! Very near to me in Upstate New York, Auburn, there is an annual Crow Hunt - I keep waiting for them to retaliate en mass!
We have a lot of Blue Jays. They seem to be the jerks of the bird world
How about a parrot?
mcapel4444 at aol.com
I have to say a hummingbird. We have a hummingbird feeder on our deck and they are neat to watch.
I'll go with the lovebird. I had a lovebird that I adored more than anything when I was a kid, and I still miss it.
I love the Red-Breasted Robin.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
The American bald eagle is one of the most majestic birds.
I own a Peach-Faced Lovebird named Odie.
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
This sounds great!!! And I will say robin.
Love to have this. Blue Heron
I love sparrows. We feed them every chance we get.
One nice thing about the winter walks through the forest is that while most sounds are muffled the woodpeckers noise seems to bounce off all the trees :)
Would love a chance to read these books!
My favorite birds are the White-Breasted Nuthatches. I really enjoy watching them go up & down the trees and they love it when I go outside, because the other birds leave, and they can fly in and take what they want from the feeders.
brc668 (At) gmail (dot) com
My favorite bird is The Blue Jay. Please include me in your giveaway.
Hummingbird--my fave
Goldfinches - see them on a thistle feeder we have in our backyard. Thanks for the giveaway.
glenn_pessano AT yahoo DOT com
Well, I had a parakeet when I younger--thank you!
Love owls, snowy owls, like Hedwig in HP. Being that I am a night owl myself...haha.
I love Cardinals.
egreca {At} hotmail {dot} com
A Hummingbird flew into my mind. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.
i guess i'll go with a bluejay..there are sooooo pretty
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
i love humming birds..
The mynah bird is common in Hawaii: Golden-crested Mynah (Ampeliceps coronatus)!
Okay, I will go with our state bird - the scissortail flycatcher. These books sound so cool, and I really want to read them. Please enter me.
thank you,
I've always liked woodpeckers.
I would have to say Cockatiel since that is my favorite kind of bird! I have a cockatiel named Pete and he is just part of our family now. I taught him to talk and he says several words. His favorite saying is Here Kitty Kitty! Our cats love that!
This giveaway sounds super to me! Please include me.
I was dive-bombed by a protective mother Robin earlier this year just for walking to close to the tree. It's amazing how they brave they are when trying to protect their nests.
I think Robin Redbreasts are beautiful birds. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.
Cockatoo! Beautiful birds.
red winged blackbirds are pretty cool..thx for contest..
I had a parakeet when I was younger.
Species of bird, huh? Ummm... How about from the family Picadae and my favourite cartoon as a kid, the Woodpecker. Please enter me in the contest. Thank you!
Aliya D.
ew have a Yellow Throated Warbler that always seems to be alone and pecks at our window. Beautiful little bird. I keep thinking it will hurt itself.
Chickadee - love their songs.
clenna at aol dot com
I have an aviary full of little finches!
the blue bird of paradise con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
We get a TON of house wrens here at our feeders. I have spend that last two years trying to identify most of the birds that come visit but most of them still have me baffled!
I'd love any of these books. Penguins for me! =) (are penguins birds?)
lindanmc (at) gmail.com
Since I live in Tennessee, I get to see lovely bright red cardinals on a frequent basis. Gotta love 'em (even if I don't love the Louisville teams, LOL!).
lahlstedt (at) gmail (dot) com
I always liked how big and different Emus are without getting the credit of being the biggest species. Thanks for the great giveaway!
A Robin is one of the prettiest birds and my fav. Thanks! jacquecurl1@gmail.com
always liked hawks, we have a few across the marsh beyond our backyard - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
How about a mocking bird.
I would have to say the Mockingbird. It is our state bird. They are very common.
Great Blue Heron.
Thanks! =)
Hummingbirds have always fascinated me.
I love hummingbirds!! Thanks for the chance to win!
How about a blue jay? Please enter me into this great giveaway! They look like such great books!
I love Robins.
I raised Lovebirds and still have the wee little baby one. Thanks so much for this contest. They sound interesting.
I like Ardea herodias, Great blue herons! Thanks for the chance!
For a bird, I will say Hummingbird. These books sounds great, I would love to read them. Please enter me. Thanks!
Hummingbird-- I have a few feeders and I love watching them and seeing the differant varieties
Sterna Elegans!
how about a sparrow
I love Blue Jays. So pretty.
I like finches!
Thanks so much!
The Loon - I love the way they sound!
I love Robins, first sign of spring
Woodpeckers. I love them. garrettsambo@aol.com
I am going to pick a Cardinal. Thankyou
I have a lot of finches flying around my home lately. They are pretty yellow bird. My husband calls them canarys.
There is a dove family that visits my yard and I love to see them.
alterna7 at hotmail dot com
y favorite bird is the Hummingbird
Thanks for a chance to win a prize!
Cockatoo are great looking birds
Eastern Blue Bird is my favorite followed by Cardinals.
Thanking you for posting such a wonderful contest. I love Blue-cheeked Rosellas ~ Amy (amyinkamloops *AT* gmail.com)
I love sulphur-crested cockatoos!
The grackle: the bane of my backyard birding habitat.
Cardinals are pretty.
I'd love to enter. For a bird...African Grey..name of Corky. She's 10-years-old and rules our home. (dog and cat included.)
great blue heron..majestic and fun to watch..
Kestrel falcon, so pretty. Thanks!
skkmiller at live dot com
Peacock....it reminds me of my daughter!
A Bobwhite
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